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Catalogue > By Keyword > Meredith Monk

9 results | Page 1 of 1

On Innovative Performance(s): Three Decades of Recollections on Alternative Theater

Artist/Author: Richard Kostelanetz | Reference: P3506 | ISBN: 978-0899504735 | Type: Publication

A collection of essays from the leading avant-garde critic of the era focuses on individual performances and performers, providing a unique critical record of their work and of the movement.

Performance by Artists

Editor: A.A. Bronson, Peggy Gale | Reference: P3461 | ISBN: 0920956009 | Type: Publication

A collection of essays, documents, & bibiliography reagrding performance art edited by people associated with a Toronto-based arts organization.

The Knowing Body: The Artist as Storyteller in Contemporary Performance

Artist/Author: Louise Steinman | Reference: P2386 | ISBN: 1-55643-202-X | Type: Publication

Publication delving into the performance art philosophies of Meredith Monk, Barbara Dilley, Ping Chong, and Spalding Gray as strategies for healing and radical acts

Site-Specific Art; Performance, Place and Documentation

Artist/Author: Nick Kaye | Reference: P0195 | Type: Publication

Charts the development of an experimental art form in an experimental way: traces the fascinating historical antecedents of today’s installation and performance art, while also assembling a unique documentation of contemporary practice around the world.

This item is referenced in the Making Routes Study Room Guide (P1964), the Study Room Guide On (W)Reading Performance Writing by Rachel Lois Clapham (P1433) and the Study Room Guide in Search of a Documentology by Marco Pustianaz (P1115)

