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Catalogue > By Keyword > Friedrich Nietzsche

4 results | Page 1 of 1

Between the Body and the Flesh: Performing Sadomasochism

Artist/Author: Lynda Hart | Reference: P3721 | ISBN: 978-0231084031 | Type: Publication

Focusing on a variety of representations, the book stimulates discussions of s/m through the exploration of censorship in the arts, the fetishization of sexual paraphernalia, recombinations of class, race and sexuality, and the politics of psychoanalysis.

Part of the Library of Performing Rights (P3041).

The Avant-garde: Race, Religion, War

Artist/Author: Mike Sell | Reference: P3500 | ISBN: 978-1906497996 | Type: Publication

How have avant-gardes been shaped by racism and contributed to racist power and imperialism? How have the claims made by avant-garde political and artistic groups to liberate humanity been indebted to religious intolerance? And how has the vanguard commitment to radical cultural action contributed to war, terror, and destruction? 

‘We keep our biologies intimate’ : Zoedramatics in bio/interspecies performance

Artist/Author: Eve Katsouraki | Editor: Nicolas Salazar Sutil | Reference: A0743 | Type: Article

Draws on Kira O’Reilly’s on-going bio-art performance experimentations and Matthew Herbert’s experimental music performance One Pig to rethink the theoretical and performative engagement with animals and the vitality of life in its broadest sense.

Going Public

Artist/Author: Boris Gray | Editor: Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle | Reference: P1918 | ISBN: 978-1-934105-30-6 | Type: Publication

Exploration of art from the position of the producer, who does not ask what it looks like or where it comes from, but why it exists in the first place.

