Animal Shelter: Art Sex Literature
“a loose collection of texts, sequenced like a mixtape” and dedicated to visions of real freedom in the present. Includes: Moyra Davey on writer’s block, Walter Benjamin, and Jane Bowles Bruce Hainley channels Paloma Picasso to jot some notes on Margie Schnibbe and the “explicit.” Bifo on Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes’s Wide Shut, and the relation between irony and cynicism Paul Virilio on seascape, inertia, and the Zynthia cyclone Chris Kraus and Sylvère Lotringer on George Porcari’s ambient photography Shlomo Sand and Sylvère Lotringer on contemporary Israel, myth, and the invention of Zionism. Alistair McCartney on early 90s bohemia in Hyde Park, Perth, Australia. Dodie Bellamy on queer subculture and the “Goldilocks syndrome.” Veronica Gonzalez’s short story on friendship, loss, and Los Angeles Rachel Kushner’s short story that takes up pubescence, motorcycles, and Flaubert’s lewd correspondence from the Nile. Eileen Myles on Winston Leyland’s legendary 70s tabloid, Gay Sunshine.
Artist / Author | Various |
Publisher | Semiotext(e) |
ISBN | 978-1-584-35100-9 |
Reference | P1891 |
Date | 2012 |
Type | Publication |