A lasting trace of and a vehicle for the Working Press, a collective publishing imprint which had the subtitle books by and about Working Class Artists, 1986-1996. The publication highlights some important works by working-class artists while providing a valuable resource for anybody interested in working with archive material.
Artist/Author: Mark Rectanus | Reference: P2103 | Type: Publication
Calls for full disclosure of corporate involvement in cultural events and examines how corporations, art institutions, and foundations are reshaping the cultural terrain. In turn, he also shows how that ground is destabilized by artists subverting these same institutions to create a heightened awareness of critical alternative
This publication is referenced in the Platform Study Room Guide (P1820)
Artist/Author: The Vacuum Cleaner | Reference: D0180 | Type: DVD
Actions: Whirl-Mart, Virgin on the Ridiculous, Prayers to the Products, Cleaning the MCA, Taking ‘Back' Action, UK Stop Shopping Tour, Re-Call Cup Fault, and Bonus Footage of ‘Cleaning Wall St'. The Vacuum Cleaner. www.thevacuumcleaner.co.uk This item is part of the Study Room Guide: A Bi(bli)ography of Insurrectionary Imaginati by John Jordan (P0793)