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Catalogue > By Keyword > ageism

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Grey Matters

Artist/Author: Sexcentenary | Digital Reference: EF5265 | Type: Digital File

Documentation from the DIY13 project: a collective process of devising and then performing a public action, over the course of a weekend.


Part of the Library of Performing Rights (LPR) (P3041).

Ageing Artfully: Older People and Professional Participatory Arts in the UK

Artist/Author: David Cutler | Reference: P3150 | ISBN: 978-1-906172-06-0 | Type: Publication

The report looks at the history of the movement and puts it in a policy context; 120 case studies of organisations were identified and numerous examples of all art forms; especially dance, drama, music, singing and the visual arts.

Part of the Know How: The Study Room Guide on Live Art Live Art and working with older individuals and communities. (P3140)

To Age

Artist/Author: Laura Lima | Reference: D1642 | Type: DVD

A project that aged the front of house staff at Chapter Arts Centre.

What Tammy Needs to Know… About Getting Old and Having Sex

Artist/Author: Lois Weaver | Reference: D1071 | Type: DVD

Delves into those taboo subjects of age and sex. Part of Sacred at the Chelsea Theatre, 28 April – 10 May 2008 (For full programme see REF. P1132).

