Editor: Norma Broude, Mary D Garrard | Reference: P3510 | ISBN: 0-8109-3732-8 | Type: Publication
Since its inception nearly 25 years ago, the feminist art movement has transformed the art world. Now, two professors of art history bring together 18 influential historians, critics, and artists to create this landmark volume.
Part of the Library of Performing Rights (LPR) (P3041).
Artist/Author: J Kastner and B Wallis | Reference: P0530 | ISBN: 0-7148-3514-5 | Type: Publication
The definitive survey not only of Land Art but also of contemporary environmental art.
This item is part of the Study Room Guide to Remoteness (P2600) and the Study Room Guide: A Bi(bli)ography of Insurrectionary Imaginati by John Jordan (P0793)