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Catalogue > By Keyword > cross-dressing

8 results | Page 1 of 1

Conservative Experiments : Women's Rewritings of The Imperial Stele Pavillion in the Twenty-First Century

Artist/Author: Josh Stenberg | Editor: David Calder, Broderick Chow, Maria M. Delgado, Maggie B. Gale, Bryce Lease, Cariad Svich, Sarah Thomasson | Reference: A0907 | Type: Article

Contemporary Theatre Review, Volume 31 Issue Number 3 August 2021

George Chakravarthi documentation

Artist/Author: George Chakravarthi | Digital Reference: EF5234 | Type: Digital File

Includes an image bank and a video with extracts from different pieces. Documented works includes: Negrophilia!, Andhaka, Miss United Kingdom, Resurrection, The Ambidextrous Universe, Thirteen, Olympia, Barflies, Shakti, Masking, Genesis and Remote Control.

Blak Queens Talking: It’s a Drag Thing

Artist/Author: Costantina Bush and Kaboobie | Reference: A0609 | Type: Article

Kaboobie (visual and performance artist troy-anthony baylis) converses via email with Constantina Bush (actor and cabaret artist Kamahi Djordan King), they yarn about empowerment, the art of drag, the rocky road of glamour and querying queer, blak-ways.


Artist/Author: George Chakravarthi | Digital Reference: EF5128 | Type: Digital File

Exerpts of a three-screen video installation presented as part an extensive programme curated by Lois Keidan and Aaron Wright (Live Art Development Agency) entitled “Just Like A Woman”, composed of lectures, performances, readings, installations, screenings, workshops and debates on performance of identity, is fully dedicated to the impact of performance on feminist histories and the contribution of artists to discourses around contemporary gender politics.  From the 19th edition of the City of Women (Mesto žensk) festival – 2-13 October 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia – entitled “Let’s create a place for ourselves” on public space and politics.

Drag Idol

Artist/Author: Spike | Reference: D1336 | Type: DVD

Spike - Performances

Artist/Author: Spike | Reference: D1337 | Type: DVD

Theatre of the Ridiculous (revised & expanded edition)

Artist/Author: Jack Smith, Ronald Tavel, Charles Ludlam, Kenneth Bernard | Editor: Bonnie Marranca, Gautam Dasgupta | Reference: P1736 | ISBN: 0-8018-5698-1 | Type: Publication

First published in 1979, revised edition in 1998.

