Interviews and animation filmed at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm. 40 min. English with German subtitles.
Created during a residency at Berlin’s Sophiensaele during the summer of 2005, giving an ‘outsiders’ response to the German general election.
Appears in the series which collects recordings of conversations with female pioneers of performance art and provides insight into their self-image and thinking.
On re-enactment in contemporary art and performance.
Study of how historical memory and understanding are created in Holocaust diaries, memoirs, fiction, poetry, drama video testimony and memorials.
This item is part of the Study Room Guide on Performance, Politics, Ethics and Human Rights by Adrien Sina (P0661)
Part of the Library of Performing Rights (LPR) (P3041).
A map of activities involved in Tischtransaktion, 2012.