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DIY: 2013 – Gustavo Ciriaco ‘Where the horizon moves’

Yorkshire Sculpture Park


Gustavo Ciríaco
Where the horizon moves
with Yorkshire Sculpture Park
A workshop on the horizon as a source of fiction and performance, with practices and discussions.

Project summary: 
Where the horizon moves is part of an open-air performance project on landscapes as a shared fictional field. The workshop aims to promote a vivid discussion on horizon as a theme and its history, through group analysis on the use of landscape in different art formats, visits and practices around a specific landscape.

Dates, times and location(s):
Thursday 1 August to Saturday 3 August
, 10am to 5.30pm daily. Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Participants should arrange and pay for their own accommodation and travel.

Application procedure:
Please send an email with a letter of ‘motivation’ explaining your interest in this project and a short biography, to [email protected] (cc’d to [email protected]) by Sunday 23 June. This is a project for 5 to 10 participants. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 23.

The artist:
Gustavo Ciríaco is a performing and visual artist living between Rio and Lisbon. He starts his career in Political Sciences and then drifts to dance and contextual works. He enjoys blending now and then with here and there and working transversally across fields and in a collaboratively mode. Dance, theater, video, story telling and urban actions are present in his pieces where the dimensions of the meeting become the inspirations for shared fictions and situations. In his works he dialogues with the historical, material and affective context one is immersed within in any given situation. In terms of art forms, Ciriaco’s work moves from multimedia staged conceptual work, through to urban walks and convivial open-air projects. Ciríaco has shown works in major national and international festivals, galleries and venues in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Middle East.

More at

Contact Information:
Gustavo Ciriaco on [email protected]

This DIY project is supported by Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Banner image credit:

Gustavo Ciríaco, ‘Where the horizon moves’, image courtesy of the artist

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DIY: 2013


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