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DIY 5: Things to Make and Do (part one) – urban beach-combing

I like constructing things out of old boxes, knitting my own clothes, making my own books and merchandise. If you do too let’s meet up.

Led by Matthew Robins.

Monday 11 to Thursday 14 August 2008 (three days to be agreed within this period).

The Project
This project is a chance for artists who use the home-made element in their work to meet up and discuss techniques and processes, and share sources of materials and inspiration. Rejoice in the pleasures of cutting out, glueing together, searching the streets for discarded tat that can be taken home and turned into something brilliant.

People who make books, paint posters and sell home-made merchandise. Knitters, cake bakers, cardboard-lovers, D.I.Y. musicians, paper-cutters, book binders, charity-shoppers, beach-combers, puppet makers. People who love photocopiers.

The first meeting will take place at a cafe in London where we will talk about our work, techniques and processes, and then discuss places where we find inspiration and our source materials. We’ll then make plans to visit these places in the subsequent two days.

Application Procedure
Open to all artists, the only criteria being that you are someone who makes things.

To apply please email [email protected] including descriptions of your work, your processes, and include some photos of your work.

About the Artist
While you are asleep at night Matthew is awake drawing pictures of crocodiles and cutting bits out of Barbra Streisand records to make her sing his name. You may have seen some of the work he did as part of The Society of Wonders? Now he prefers to work under his own name. Matthew is an artist, although sometimes he prefers to tell people he is a singer. He writes songs and you may have seen him performing these or maybe one of his puppet operas. Matthew likes to make his own merchandise, you might have bought one of his badges or taken one of his posters home. You also might have one of his books or CDs, although there aren’t that many around because they are all home-made and take a long time to do. You can find out more at

Any Questions
Any questions email [email protected].

Part of DIY: 2008

Unusual professional development projects conceived and run BY artists FOR artists


DIY: 2017 – Daniella Valz Gen & Jade Montserrat: From a Creative Case to an Ecology of Care


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DIY: 2016 – immigrants and animals ‘unprofessional class’


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