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DIY: 2004 – Amy Sharrocks, COSTUME IN LIVE ART

A one day workshop led by Amy Sharrocks
with contributions from Tim Etchells and Edwina Ashton
Saturday 6 March 2004
10.00 – 16.00
Diorama, London W1

The Project

Costume begs basic and constant questions from viewers and practitioners of live art.   This workshop will invite discussion around clothing as apparel and disguise, considering truthfulness, character and fictionality in live art, as well as practical experimentation.

Participants will be invited to arrive in full costume, and to change into ‘normal’ clothes after lunch. The ways in which both sessions could be seen as fancy dress will be explored. The workshop will include presentations by Tim Etchells of Forced Entertainment,and video artist Edwina Ashton.

Application procedure

The workshop is aimed at London based live artists, performers, writers and thinkers.

Places are limited to 14 people and participants will be selected by application.   Applicants are invited to send in a CV and a few words on how they use costume/clothes in their work and whether there any particular questions they would like to explore during the day?

Applications should be sent to   [email protected] by 6th February.   Please enclose an email address if possible and Amy will let applicants know if they have a place by 13th February.


Participants will need to forward a cheque for £10 to confirm their place, but will be given £20 cash on the day to help towards their costume costs.

Tea and biscuits and some lunch will be included, but participants are encouraged to bring something for lunch inspired by their outfit.

The Organiser

Amy Sharrocks is a live artist, curator and sculptor working in London.   Her work deals with time, value and waste, and the transformative power of the event.   In 2003 she held her first solo exhibition at the Spitz Gallery, London.   She creates durational live works around different parts of London.   Her film ‘Pause’ was selected for the EEC   2003.   From January 2004 her sculptures can be seen in Disciplinary Procedures, curated by Margot Heller of the South London Gallery.   She is part of the female artist’s group Darling Woman Productions.

Part of DIY: 2004

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