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DIY: 2007 – Call For Proposals

DIY 4 Professional development projects BY artists FOR artists across the UK

Our Call for Proposals to lead a project has now closed.

More info about DIY.

More info about DIY 4: 2007.

Deadline for applications: 19 February 2007

DIY 4 is an opportunity for artists working in Live Art to conceive and run professional development projects for other artists.

DIY 4 builds on the strengths of three earlier DIY schemes which have proved to be invaluable and rewarding experiences for project leaders, participants and organisers alike *.

For the first time DIY 4 is taking place across the UK and we are planning to support at least sixteen projects in collaboration with partners.  We particularly want to hear from you if you have a proposal which will benefit artists in London, the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire, East England and East Midlands.

If you have an idea for an exciting, innovative and idiosyncratic Live Art professional development project that offers something new and is geared to the eclectic and often unusual needs of artists whose practices are grounded in challenging and unconventional approaches, forms and concepts then DIY 4 is the scheme for you.

I believe ‘DIY for artists’ is a really productive form of training, as it is so specifically tailored to what I need.  I’ve been on many training courses before but none that felt so relevant to me.  To carry on the tailoring analogy – it’s the difference between a bespoke suit and an off the peg outfit!!  (Clare Thornton, DIY 1 participant)

I’ve learnt more in these three days than in the past six months (Casper Below, DIY 2 participant)

The workshops have refreshed my outlook and contexts for making and performing artwork (Jenny Edbrooke, DIY 3 participant)

  •  Your DIY 4 project must take place between May and August 2007.
  • You do not have to live in London, the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire, East England or East Midlands to apply, but your project must take place in one of these regions and benefit artists from that region.
  • We expect to award at least sixteen grants of £1,000 each to support sixteen projects: five to benefit London based artists, at least two to benefit artists based in each of the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire or East England regions and one to benefit artists in the East Midlands.


Application Guidelines

DIY 4 is an opportunity for artists working in Live Art to conceive and run professional development projects for other artists.

DIY 4 builds on the strengths of three earlier DIY schemes which have proved to be invaluable and rewarding experiences for project leaders, participants and organisers alike *.

For the first time DIY 4 is taking place across the UK and we are planning to support at least sixteen projects in collaboration with partners in London, the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire, East England, and East Midlands.

We want to hear from you if have an idea for an exciting, innovative and idiosyncratic Live Art professional development project that offers something new and is geared to the eclectic and often unusual needs of artists whose practices are grounded in challenging and unconventional approaches, forms and concepts.

If you think you can initiate and run a professional development project that will stimulate and benefit artists in London, the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire, East England, or East Midlands then read the guidelines below.

I believe ‘DIY for artists’ is a really productive form of training, as it is so specifically tailored to what I need.  I’ve been on many training courses before but none that felt so relevant to me.  To carry on the tailoring analogy – it’s the difference between a bespoke suit and an off the peg outfit!!  (Clare Thornton, DIY 1 participant)

I’ve learnt more in these three days than in the past six months (Casper Below, DIY 2 participant)

The workshops have refreshed my outlook and contexts for making and performing artwork (Jenny Edbrooke, DIY 3 participant)

DIY 4 is a collaboration between the Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, and New Work Network, and is being developed with Nuffield Theatre/LANWest (North West), New Work Yorkshire (Yorkshire), Fierce Festival (West Midlands), Colchester Arts Centre (East England), Brighton Fringe Arts Production (The Basement) (South East), and Dance4 (East Midlands).

* Read reports on previous DIY schemes.

These guidelines are available in large print on request.

What sort of project can I propose for DIY 4?

We are seeking proposals from artists for adventurous and possibly outlandish projects that are grounded in an awareness of the issues impacting on artists’ practices and are aimed at enhancing the range of approaches available to practitioners.  The development of a Live Art practice is not so much about skills and techniques (although these are of course inherent in the work) but about ideas and possibilities.  We are therefore not seeking proposals for training programmes in any conventional sense but more illustrations and illuminations of how to approach and address ideas.

The projects may take any form.  Previous projects, for example, covered practical and conceptual issues and took in city centre adventures; rural retreats about art and activism; new approaches to networking, collaboration and documentation; considerations of costume in performance; process based experimentation on the impact of time in art; debates; skills swap shops; live and wireless video; considerations of risk in performance; dialogues around self and performance; personalising understandings of success; and unblocking and reinvigorating the creative spirit.

As part of your proposal we expect you to identify the kinds of artists who will participate and how you will select them.  We will want to know how your project will contribute to the professional development of the participants.

When would my DIY 4 project have to take place?

Your DIY 4 project must take place between May and August 2007.

Where could my DIY 4 project take place?

You do not have to live in London, the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire, East England, or East Midlands to propose a DIY 4 project, but your project must take place in one of these regions and predominantly benefit artists from that region.

Please note that there is an opportunity to run residential projects in the North West, as Nuffield Theatre can help arrange cheap accommodation in Lancaster.

How much are DIY 4 grants and how many projects will be supported?

We expect to award at least sixteen grants of £1,000 each to support sixteen projects: five to benefit London based artists, at least two to benefit artists based in each of the South East, the North West, the West Midlands, Yorkshire or East England regions, and one to benefit artists in the East Midlands.

Who can propose DIY 4 projects?

We will accept applications from individual artists or groups of artists.  If applying as a group you must identify one artist as the lead/contact artist (any grant awarded will be paid to the lead/contact artist).

Artists who have previously run and/or participated in DIY projects are eligible to propose a DIY 4 project.

How do I apply?

DIY encourages artists to self determine and run their own projects, however we are happy to briefly discuss your proposal with you by emails or over the phone as you develop your ideas.  We are sorry that we cannot meet in person to discuss proposals.  For advice email [email protected] or call:
* Lois Keidan or Daniel Brine at the Live Art Development Agency on 020 7033 0275 (London and all regions)
* Frances Scott or Nikki Tomlinson at Artsadmin on 020 7247 5102 (London and all regions)
* Sarah Spanton at New Work Yorkshire on 0113 380 7466 (Yorkshire)
* Debbie Kermode at Fierce on 0121 244 8080 (West Midlands)
* Anthony Roberts at Colchester Arts Centre on 01206 500900 (East England)
* Helen Medland or Laura Chrostowski at Brighton Fringe Arts Production (The Basement) on 01273 699733 (South East)
* Alice Booth at Nuffield Theatre on 01524 592994 (North West)
* Jo Mardell at Dance4 on 0115 9410773 (East Midlands)

To apply you should prepare a proposal that is no longer than three sides of A4.  Your proposal should include:
* the name and full contact details of the lead artist/applicant
* details of which region your proposed project will take place in and why
* a description of your proposed project
* the project’s artistic rationale and proposed methodology
* an indication of who the proposed participants might be, including areas of practices, levels of experience, etc
* an indication of the imagined outcomes and benefits for participants and yourself
* an indication of the number of participants
* details of how you will select participants
* a simple schedule of activity which outlines what you will do and when you will do it
* a simple budget which shows how you will spend the grant
* a short biography of the organiser(s) including your experience or interest in leading similar initiatives.

Ideally DIY 4 projects will be free to participants but the nature of some projects may necessitate small financial contributions from participants.  If participants are being asked to contribute for taking part in the project, you should indicate how much this will be and show this earned income in your project budget.

We expect the artist(s) organising the project to be paid for the time they contribute to the project.  Other budget items may include transport, tickets for events, space hire, speakers’ fees, etc.

It is not essential to supply supporting material.  However, if you feel that supporting material will help us understand more about you and your proposal then we welcome it. Supporting material might include full CV’s, and copies of reports, press clipping, and documentation of previous performances/events. If you plan to submit a video or dvd as supporting material please ensure that you clearly identify an appropriate short extract.  If submitting slides, please supply no more than 10 standard 35mm slides.  CD Roms, dvds and details of web sites are also welcomed as supporting material. We will only return supporting material if you also send a stamped self addressed envelope.

You must also complete the monitoring questions.  Your application will not be eligible without the completed monitoring questions.

Applications, clearly marked DIY 4 in the subject line, should be emailed to [email protected]as a word attachment, an RTF document or a PDF.  Please note we will only accept digital applications. We will not accept applications by post or fax.  We will only consider applications received by the deadline.

Who will make the decision about which projects are funded and how will they decide?

A selection panel consisting of representatives of the Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, New Work Network, New Work Yorkshire, Fierce, Nuffield Theatre/LANWest, Brighton Fringe Arts Production (The Basement), Colchester Arts Centre, and Dance4 will consider all applications.  The panel will assess all applications and prioritise those that best meet the assessment criteria.  The selection of projects for DIY 4 will be based on:
* the relevance of the proposal to the aims of the DIY initiative
* the relevance of the proposal to Live Art practice and artists
* the extent to which the proposal shows clear artistic direction and vision
* the degree to which the proposal will contribute to the professional development of artists and regions
* the viability of the proposal
* the ability of the applicant to achieve the stated aims of the proposal.

It is our intention to support a range of forms of projects through DIY 4 which together form a coherent national programme.  The final decision on which projects to fund will therefore by informed by this and a project may be prioritised over another because of the alternative vision for professional development that it offers.

The selection panel may award more or less than the amount requested.

All decisions will be notified in writing.

Complaints and appeals in relation to DIY applications are undertaken under the Complaints and Appeals Procedure of the Live Art Development Agency.

What happens if my proposal is selected?

After the selection process, successful applicants will be invited to meet relevant regional DIY 4 partners and/or the Live Art Development Agency to discuss and develop the shape and location of the projects, who they will be aimed at, how best to market them and recruit identified participants, and strategies for monitoring and evaluation.  From these initial meetings a payment schedule and conditions of the grant will be agreed.

DIY 4 projects will be publicised through the partners’ extensive e-lists and websites and all partners will disseminate information including details of individual projects, dates, costs and application or registration procedures through their regional contacts.

Who is running DIY 4?

DIY 4 is a collaboration between the Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, and New Work Network, and is being developed with Nuffield Theatre/LANWest (North West), New Work Yorkshire (Yorkshire), Fierce Festival (West Midlands), Colchester Arts Centre (East England), Brighton Fringe Arts Production (The Basement) (South East), and Dance4 (East Midlands).

DIY 4 is part of Joining the Dots, a Live Art Development Agency professional development initiative for artists across the UK.  Joining the Dots is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

For more information about the organisations involved visit the websites:, (includes New Work Yorkshire website profile),,


The DIY 4 partners and Arts Council England place a strong emphasis on equality of opportunity and access.  In order to help us monitor this commitment, please complete the following questions.  You must return these questions on a separate page with your application, which will not be eligible without it.

The questionnaire asks for statistical information only.  We will not use the information you provide here in assessment and will detach it from your application.

We have designed the questions on this form to help us analyse applications to the DIY 4 initiative and to be compatible with the information collected by Arts Council England.  We will share the data collected through this form with Arts Council England for monitoring purposes.  You should choose the answers which best describe you.

Cultural diversity
Please state what you consider to be or how you chose to define your ethnic origin (for example, Asian, British Asian, White European, Black Caribbean, British Chinese, etc)


The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?


To which age group do you belong?
Below 20
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 49
50 – 59
Above 60

How do you describe your gender?


Email versions of the full guidelines can also be requested from:
[email protected]

DIY 4 is a collaboration between the Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, and New Work Network, and is being developed with Nuffield Theatre/LANWest (North West), New Work Yorkshire (Yorkshire), Fierce Festival (West Midlands), Colchester Arts Centre (East England), Brighton Fringe Arts Production (The Basement) (South East), and Dance4 (East Midlands).

* Read reports on previous DIY projects

DIY 4 is part of Joining the Dots, a Live Art Development Agency professional development initiative for artists across the UK.  Joining the Dots is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Part of DIY: 2007

Unusual professional development projects conceived and run BY artists FOR artists


DIY: 2018 – Marikiscrycrycry: SH4ME/[N0 SH4ME]


Giving form and function to the dance party

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DIY 2020: TINK + EFI – Wrap Live: exploring sensory underload for neurodivergent artists


Taking an experimental journey of gentle sensory under-load, progressively leading up to observing or participating in a full body wrap.

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DIY 2020: Leonie Rousham and Ishwari Bhalerao – Alternative Mapping of Time and Landscape


Leonie and Ishwari will be working to explore alternative processes of mapping time and landscape, moving away from ideas of linearity and colonial legacies of demarcation. Focussing on process rather than production, they will do this using plant-based darkroom printing, fermentation and chorus interventions.

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