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20 x 20: Artists reflect on 20 years of Live Art, Resonance radio series

Artists reflect on 20 years of Live Art is a new radio series for Resonance FM, taking place across LADA’s 20th anniversary year.

Each programme will involve two artists in dialogue – an ‘older’ artist looking back at key Live Art moments, movements, artists and events of last 20 years, and a ‘younger’ artist looking forward to the next 20 years.

Further details on the Resonance website.

#1 - Claire MacDonald and Hava Carvajal - on Community

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 2 April 2019:

#2 - Nando Messias and Hester Chillingworth - on Gender

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 7 May 2019:

Nando Messias and Hester Chillingworthsit side by side in a radio recording studio Nando Messias and Hester Chillingworth

#3 - Nigel Rolfe and Martin O'Brien - on Body

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 4 June 2019:

Nigel Rolfe and Martin O'Brien sit side by side in a radio recording studio Nigel Rolfe and Martin O'Brien

#4 - Jane Trowell and Rosamund Zipporah - On Activism

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 2 July 2019:

Jane Trowell and Rosamund Zipporah sit side by side in the Resonance FM studio Jane Trowell and Rosamund Zipporah

#5 - David A Bailey and Jade Montserrat - On Race

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 10 September 2019:

#6 - Joshua Sofaer and Tania El Khoury - On Participation

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, 1 October 2019:

Joshua Sofaer and Tania El Khoury sit side by side in a radio recording studio Joshua Sofaer and Tania El Khoury

#7 - Neil Bartlett and Travis Alabanza - On Queer

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm, Tuesday 5 November 2019:

Travis Alabanza and Neil Bartlett sit beside each other in a radio recording studio Travis Alabanza and Neil Bartlett

#8 Daniel Oliver and Noëmi Lakmaier on disability and neurodiversity

Broadcast 8pm – 9pm on 3 December 2019

noemi lakmaier and daniel oliver Daniel Oliver and Noemi Lakmaier

LADA at 20

In 2019, LADA is marking its 20th Anniversary and we are celebrating with a series of initiatives throughout the year including a publication, Agency, A Partial History of Live Art (edited by Theron Schmidt and co-published with Intellect Books); a series of 20 limited edition artworks Tiny Live Art (Development Agency) by Robert Daniels, both of which will be launched with an event on 6 March; a box set of 20 postcards representing key LADA projects and initiatives; and a series of free events here at our home at The Garrett Centre – Live Art on the page, the stage and the screen.

Part of LADA 20th Anniversary 2019

LADA marks its 20th anniversary in 2019 and will be celebrating with a series of initiatives throughout the year

LADA 20th Anniversary 2019

LADA marks its 20th anniversary in 2019 and will be celebrating with a series of initiatives throughout the year

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Live Art on the page, the stage and the screen

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary we are hosting a series of free events here at our home at The Garrett Centre

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Edge of an Era

A new project revisiting a series of seminal performance events from the 1980’s.

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A book of collaborative photographs of the body in performance by Manuel Vason.

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In memory of Monica Ross

An anniversary recitation of The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

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Library of Performing Rights

The Library of Performing Rights is available as a place of action, a place of knowledge exchange, a repository of experience, and a context that others can use to support and advance their own work both at LADA and elsewhere.

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Remote Performances

Commissioned performances live from Outlandia, a unique artists’ tree-house studio in Glen Nevis.

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M21: From the Medieval to the 21st Century

Interventions by leading disabled artists in the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

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VITAL 06: International Chinese Live Art Festival

A major programme of Live Art events curated by Chinese Arts Centre.

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LADA 15th Anniversary

LADA marks its 15th anniversary in 2014, which we are celebrating with a series of initiatives across the year

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