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Opportunities > Residencies

Study Room Residencies for Black Scholars and Artists (now closed)

Two 6 month Study Room residencies for Black scholars and artists

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Research residencies for Swiss and Swiss-based artists

Call for artists based in Switzerland to undertake funded research residencies at LADA.

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Thinker-In-Residence: Selina Thompson

Selina Thompson will be our Thinker-in-Residence for 2019, researching ‘Managing the Radical’.

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Study Room Residencies

Opportunities for artists, researchers, critics, academics and other curious folk to spend time in the Study Room through self-led research residencies.

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Thinker-In-Residence: Claire MacDonald

Focusing on LADA’s local engagement and partnerships

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Thinker in Residence: Hester Chillingworth

Hester Chillingworth is LADA’s new Thinker in Residence, focusing on Young People, Gender & Live Art.

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Live Art Producer Residencies – Full Guidance

Read the full guidance notes for our Producer Residencies

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LADA Residencies for Emergent Producers

LADA seeks two emerging producers for year-long residencies

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Call for Proposals: Privilege and the Displaced, Artist Residency

Undertake a residency exploring Live Art in relation to the experiences of the displaced

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