Catalogue > By Keyword > institutions
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Useful Art
See D1703 for Bruguera in conversation at Performance Matters: Trashing Performance. This item is referenced in the Dreams for an Institution Guide (P2313).
101 Excuses – How Art Legitimises Itself
Focuses on the conceptual effort of an author to legitimise his/her work by providing evidence – ‘excuses’ – that make the artwork worthy. Includes a pocket-size reference card.
Dreams for an Institution: a Study Room Guide
A Study Room Guide in response to a Study Room Gathering about the state of the institution and its alternatives for (and as) Live Art. We live in a time when many long-standing institutions are in a state of crisis, and precarity is becoming a normalized condition for vast swathes of the population. What kind of stance can a radical politics take towards institutions in these times? This Guide looks at artists’ projects that engage with institutions, both critically and creatively, and considers how performance practice has engaged and challenged institutions in recent years.