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Civic Life – Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor


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Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor (desperate optimists) embarked on the Civic Life series in July 2003 and have since created a unique and richly cinematic set of short films that capture different places and communities in a single daring long-take. Using complex film rigs and hundreds of extras these works made in negotiation with residents and community groups are both theatrical and deeply cinematic, experimental and highly accessible. This package includes a book of photographs and short essays on the project and the DVD contains seven short films including Who Killed Brown Owl’, winner of the Best British Short Film Award at the Edinburgh International Film Festival 2004.

When you buy Civic Life you’ll also receive new film Tion Bahru; part of Civic Life: Singapore, a major arts project bringing together artists, communities and audiences to explore ideas of community, place and belonging. Also featured on this DVD: the quirky, beautiful, surprIsing and often moving shortlisted films of WHERE THE HEART IS, the project’s 90 second film competition exploring the relationships people have to the places that matter to them.

desperate optimists, London, Book, 54 pages, 23 colour photographs, 18cm x 12cm. DVD-5 with colour book, 101 Minutes.

ISBN 0-955-129-524

