The Performance Pack Performance Online Logbook
- Year
- 2005
Log book entries for performances of The Performance Pack
During a performance of The Performance Pack, the audience is asked to participate in selecting their choice of: artist, audience, form, content, location, duration and documentation for a hypothetical performance piece selected over the course of the presentation. There are 16,384 potential variations of The Performance Pack Performance DIY Performance.This performance is then documented in The Performance Pack Performance DIY Performance Logbook and emailed to: [email protected] for inclusion on this page.
Presenter: Sarah Spanton
Location: Patrick Studios, St Marys Lane, Leeds
Time: 7 pm
Date: 29.11.05
Duration: 1 hr and 20 minutes
Performance Code: 1C 2A 3B 4C 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon erupts from a large box outside Leeds City Art Gallery. A preview is about to happen. Robin has not been programmed in the festival the preview is part of and has in fact been told, that they didn't want him to take part. His eruption surprises passers by and those entering the preview. He shouts 'It's a Performance' as he leaps out, then climbs out, collapses the box and leaves, this lasts 60 seconds. People entering the preview gossip about the surprise performance, wondering who he was and whether or not he is part of the event.
Presenter : Véronique Danneels
Location : Halles de Schaerbeek
Time : 4.30 pm
Date : 27.11.05
Duration : 1h 20mins
Performance Code : 1B 2B 3B 4B 5D 6C 7D
Performance Outline:
Stacey Makishi was as well in Brussels for the Trouble festival. She proposed herself to work outside the theatre for 24 hours and to perform in the European Commission District, a labyrinth of very clean and very well protected streets. She chose to work during a mid week session, since the “European” week-end starts on Thursday and ends on mid Monday Her performance was political in the sense that she handed leaflets out, with the usual “good morning” ” good afternoon” “good night”, depending of the moment during the 24 h. action, in 12 different languages, but never in the over dominating English language.
Everybody in the street could be trained in the language of her/ his choice, at any time they passed, or stayed to observe the next chance encounter, of Makishi and one of their peers.
Since the district is overprotected against “terrorism”, no other documentation then the delighted gossiping functionaries could pass and reach us here in the Halles.
Presenter : Véronique Danneels
Location : Halles de Schaerbeek
Time : 4.45 pm
Date : 26/11/05
Duration : 1 h 15 mins
Performance Code : 1C 2B 3B 4A 5D 6C 7C
Performance Outline:
Deacon, a native from the British coast, decided yesterday to perform during one day in the street (rue Royale again…sorry Dear Mr. Deacon, it's the result from the improvisation). Since the streets in Brussels are much more “enlightened” then elsewhere in Europe, he chose to perform during 24 hours. He hoped that the chance audience would count some of the numerous Spanish and British fresh eurocrates in Brussels, looking for their way to the Halles de Schaerbeek. His performance had a personal poetical content. Deacon looked for any shell sign in the street environment. Since it unexpectedly snowed a lot between yesterday and today, his action is simply documented by his footsteps in the snow…
Presenter : Véronique Danneels
Location : Halles de Schaerbeek
Time : 6.00 pm
Date : 24/11/05
Duration : 1 h 15 min
Performance Code : 1D 2B 3B 4D 5D 6D 7D
Performance Outline:
May be you heard about Chakravarthi for the first time today, but he is in Belgium since a good 300 days. Participating at the preparations for the jubilee of the Atomium since he got the privilege to work on a long time schedule, he decided to perform everyday in the street X close to the North Station ('prostitution district') for a chance public of strollers/ lookers the location inspired him the form : everyday he paints a new street board with the name of a forgotten celebrity, forgotten because of their sexual/ ethnic/ racial/ religious identity… nobody from the art scene has been informed since the surprise has to be total on jubilee day, but slowly he seems to be recognized gossips start to spread by e-mail and hits some of the media organs like a journalist here on the front row seems to know…
Presenter : Véronique Danneels
Location : Halles de Schaerbeek – Brussels
Time : 6 pm.
Date : 23.11. 05
Duration : 1h 15mins
Performance Code : 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
This afternoon, in the “Rue Royale” (linking Halles de Schaerbeek with center) packed like always with police, Robin Deacon performed a spectacular performance for a chance audience sitting in the tramways or in their cars, by jumping on window sills. To escape at the attention of the police it had to happen in a 60 seconds timing, and no record could be realised. The news of the event raised the Halles de Schaerbeek at the end of the afternoon. A doorkeeper heard it from a turkish female passerby, telling it to her girlfriends, while pointing at the posters of the “trouble festival”.
Presenter: Mark Hunter
Location: Newham Sixth Form College, London
Time: 1:30-3:00
Date: 03.10.05
Duration: 1hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3D 4B 5D 6C 7C
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon stood preaching on the corner of Prince Regent Lane and Barking Road (where the bus conductors/managers do their logs) from 9:00am on Monday 3rd October until 9:00am the next day. The content of his oration was a moment by moment description of everything that was occurring at the junction before him in the terms/style of Marx’s Kapital and American self-help manuals. Passers-by were addressed and invited by Robin to add their thoughts and observations to his filibuster. Key points were chalked on the pavement around Robin, being constantly smudged and re-written over as the performance progressed.
Presenter: Jennifer Parker-Starbuck
Location: Roehampton University
Time: 14.30
Date: 26.09.05
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1D, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5D, 6B, 7D
Performance Outline:
George Chakravarthi riding the circle line dressing and undressing from man to woman, dealing with issues of gender from his childhood.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Kuopio Music Centre, Anti Festival, Finland
Time: 10.00
Date: 15.09.05
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2A 3B 4D 5D 6D 7D
Performance Outline:
This is a performance made by Stacy Makishi over the course of a year. Stacy would commence the day with a walk, counting the number of people she saw on her way. She would approach the 365th person and ask them where it was in the world that they had been that they thought was the most beautiful. Stacy would then make a mini celebratory performance in honour of that place for the person she had met. The next day she would try to find the place mentioned, travelling the world if necessary. When she got there she went to sleep. The next morning when she woke up she would commence the day with a walk, counting the number of people she saw on her way. She would approach the 365th person and ask them were it was in the world that they had been that they thought was the most beautiful. …
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Time: 17.50
Date: 15.06.05
Duration: 1hr 5mins
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4D 5D 6D 7D
Performance Outline:
For one year, every day she left the house, Stacy Makishi would greet casual passers by in full Japanese dress – kimono – and speak fake Japanese until she was directed to a Police Station.
I didn't see her do this but Bob did. He told Jane and she told me.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Middlesex University
Time: 09.30
Date: 09.03.05
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6C 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon made a performance in the streets of North London non-stop for 24 hours a couple of weeks ago, to people who just happened to be walking past. Apparently it was incredible. He was a one-man band and performed all the parts of all the musicals currently on in the West End. I didn't actually see it myself, but my mate's sister, Janet, told my mate Jim, and he told me.
Presenter: Martina von Holn
Location: Central Saint Martin’s College, London
Time: 14.00
Date: 16.12.04
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon decides to enter into a conversation with random people on a medium buy urban road. The brief is that he needs to keep the conversation going for exactly 60 seconds and he needs to provoke the person he talks to to utter the word ‘dodgy’ within this limited frame of time.
Presenter: Lois Keidan
Location: School of Fine Art Singapore (as part of the 2004 Flying Circus
Time: 11.30
Date: 11.12.04
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2A 3B 4B 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
Suicide bomber (suggested by audience member)
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts, Geneva, Switzerland
Time: 17.00
Date: 02.12.04
Duration: 1 hr 45 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
A couple of weeks ago Stacy Makishi performed on the streets of Geneva outside 'Bulgari' to people who happened to be passing by. She performed as a human firework. Each performance only lasted 60 seconds – but was a multi-coloured spectacle. I didn't actually see it but my friend John told me about it. He had been told by his friend Mary.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Project Arts, Dublin
Time: 13.00
Date: 25.11.04
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Performance Code: 1B 2A 3B 4A 5D 6A 7C
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi performed for people who just happened to be passing on the streets of London. She would confront selected individuals and very quickly talk to them about how she felt they could improve their personal appearance; what they could do to better with their clothes, hair and/or make-up. Once sixty seconds passed she would quickly move away and find somebody else to address. The only record of these encounters was the traces her footsteps left on the dusty streets.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Bluecoat, Liverpool
Time: 11.30
Date: 23.10.04
Duration: 1hr 10mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon performed one-minute costume transformations to casual passers by on the streets of Liverpool. He changed from his 'normal' clothes into spectacular costumes which were created to be smelt, touched and even licked, as well as seen.
I didn't actually see this piece but John told Mary about it in the pub last night and she told my sister, who told me.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Tate Modern
Time: 14.00
Date: 02.10.04
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6C 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon performed recreations of the 'Black and White Minstrel Show' for 24 hours non-stop to casual passers-by on London streets. I didn't actually see this piece, but John told Mary about it in the pub last night and she told my sister, who told me.
Presenter: Michelle Brown
Location: Granary Theatre, Cork, Ireland
Time: 18.30
Date: 6.10.07
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4B 5D 6C 7C
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon stands on Patrick Street in Cork giving a 24 hour lecture to passers-by about the political responsibilities of radio broadcast in relation to questions of cultural difference. He distributes pamphlets during the lecture performance which are left behind afterwards to blow around on the street and be picked up by passers-by. His lecture is also later broadcast on radio.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Norwegian Theatre Academy
Time: 18.00
Date: 23.10.07
Duration: 1hr 20 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4D 5A 6C 7C
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi made a 24 hour version of the musical Grease in a bus shelter to passing crowds and people waiting for the bus. The piece was documented by a trace of grease.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Middlesex University
Date: 08.11.07
Duration: 1hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7C
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon pulls a rabbit out of a hat on street corners. The rabbit droppings are all that remain. (Devised by an audience member)
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Alfred Vedvore Theatre, Prague
Time: 20.15
Date: 15.12.07
Duration: 1hr 20 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2D 3B 4C 5B 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
DIY element – Devised by a member of the audience:
Robin Deacon is invited to make an intervention in a television advert break. He makes a performance spoof of performance itself, which lasts 60 seconds.
Unfortunately it is on so late that only a handful of people saw it – most people found out about it by someone else telling them.
Presenter: Susan Holland
Location: Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick Ireland
Date: 24.01.08
Duration: 1hr 25 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4C 5D 6A 7D
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi makes a 60 second performance on the Dock Road in Limerick. A chance audience happen upon her performance as they disembark at the dock. Stacy spontaneously interacts with the audience for 60 seconds in a silent Hawaiian greeting dance.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Central School of Speech and Drama, London
Time: 14.30
Date: 01.02.2008
Duration: 1hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4B 5D 6C 7D
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon performs as a jealous busker, pitching up next to existing buskers and performing less well but louder. He does this for 24 hours. It is a comment on ownership.
Devised by an audience member.
Presenter: Holly Darton
Location: Courtyard Arts Centre, Hertfordshire
Time: 19.00
Date: 08.05.2008
Duration: 1hr 10 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4B 5D 6A 7C
Performance Outline:
Robin Deacon, standing on the street, outside the local Tesco in Hertford, a location given to him prior to his performance in Hertford, begins to throw Tesco value potatoes, using a shot put style throw onto the street ahead of him. He repeats the action – getting into the right position, stretching the arm behind and then moving the arm forward above his head with force and throwing the potatoe. The potatoes smash onto the street in front of him, one after the other, in an action that politically visualises his frustrations with Tesco. Passers by witness the action and the work is left as a trace of smashed potatoes until they naturally decay and disappear.
Presenter: Signy Henderson
Location: Middlesex University
Time: 15.30
Date: 13.11.2008
Duration: 1hr 30 mins
Performance Code: 1C 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7A
Performance Outline:
Robin Decoin waited at the bus stop and as passengers got off the bus he sang hymns with racially charged lyrics for 60 seconds, while juggling and dressed as a 19th-century circus Ringmaster. At the end of the minute’s performance he stopped and walked on to the next bus stop, leaving the passengers behind him to discuss his performance amongst themselves.
Presenter: Marco Pustianaz
Location: Università del Piemonte Orientale (Vercelli, Italy)
Time: 11.00
Date: 05.03.09
Duration: 1hr 45 mins
Performance Code: 1D 2B 3A 4D 5A 6C 7B
Performance Outline:
George Chakravarthi enters a public male toilet in an office building in London, normally dressed. He begins to change himself to look like a female prostitute in a 24-hour long process in front of the men who happen to walk in – emphasising every act of the process (make-up, dressing up, body hair removal…). In the end (s)he writes on the mirror with a red lipstick, “Use me as you like” (this writing is the fina “drawing” ).. Then he sits underneath these words on the floor, like a doll. The final object is the woman's body perceived as the sexual object of male desire.
Presenter: Mark Gaynor
Location: Southampton Solent University
Time: 14.00-15.00 & 10.00-12.00
Date: 20.04.09 – 21.04.09
Duration: 3hr
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4C 5D 6C 7D
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi becomes a memeber of staff at a 24hr Tesco store for one day. She re-arranges the shelves according to system other than by product eg by colour. She asks customers for advice/help … but she only speaks an obscure Hawaiian dialect.
Presenter: Joshua Sofaer
Location: Northern Stage, Newcastle
Time: 14.30
Date: 19.09.09
Duration: 1hr 15 mins
Performance Code: 1B 2C 3B 4D 5D 6C 7C
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi does a handstand for 24 hours on the streets of Newcastle. You buy a ticket and are told where to find her. All that remains of the performance once she has finished are the handprints on the pavement. (Devised by an audience member)
Presenter: PAD Team
Location: PAD, Mainz Germany
Time: 21.00
Date: 24.09.09
Duration: 1hr
Performance Code: 1B 2B 3B 4D 5D 6A 7C
Performance Outline:
Stacy Makishi is standing on the street in her underwear and tries to draw the attention of the people crossing the street. She talks in dolphin-language about her navel and marks herself with red arrows. She does so for 60 seconds and then she runs away. The red marks on her body can be seen for a few days. special notice: Our audience chose a second version, in which Peter Schulz acted as Stacey, dancing on the street to the sound of her mobile phone for one year.
Banner image credit:
Joshua Sofaer “The Performance Pack”.
Part of The Performance Pack
A limited edition artwork, a performance enabler, and an educational resource.
The Performance Pack
A limited edition artwork, a performance enabler, and an educational resource.
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