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Curatorial Projects, Programme Partnerships and Screening Programmes: 2016

LADA works on its own curatorial projects, on programming partnerships with other organisations, and curates screening programmes for a range of events and festivals.

Please contact LADA if you would like to discuss a programme partnership or hosting a screening programme.

2016 curatorial projects:

LADA’s curatorial projects vary in scale and theme and are approached as strategic interventions to raise the profile of Live Art within a diversity of contexts and its role in exploring a range of political, social and cultural issues.

Restock Rethink Reflect Four: On Live Art and Privilege
RRR is an ongoing series mapping underrepresented artists, practices and histories.

The Residents
Four week-long artist residencies in the Wellcome Collection’s Reading Room, London.

PLAYING UP launch and public Play Ins
An artwork by Sibylle Peters, exploring the potential of Live Art to bridge generations. Play-Ins took place throughout the UK.

Glimpses of Before: Study Room Guide
A new, online Study Room Guide on Performance in the UK in the 1970s.

2016 programme partnerships:

LADA’s programme partnerships vary in scale and theme and are approached as opportunities to develop new contexts, discourses, and audiences for Live Art.

Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme
A transnational partnership on collaborative arts, including workshops, residencies and commissions.

Walking Women
Placing women at the centre of discussions and debates about walking and art.

SPILL: Festival of Performance
An international festival of Live Art, Activism and Performance hosted in Ipswich.

Extravagant Bodies: Crime and Punishment
The fourth iteration of international arts festival curated by Kontejner, Croatia

2016 screening programmes:

LADA curates screening programmes for a range of events and festivals in the UK and internationally. Drawing on materials from LADA’s Study Room, screening programmes are developed in dialogue with project partners and are either themed around specific issues, such as the performance of gender (Girls on Film), pain and performance (Ouch), the body in performance (Bodily Functions), or focus on Live Art histories and representations of the diversity of Live Art practices and approaches in the UK (Live Art &…).

LADA at 3rd Venice International Performance Art Week: Italy
‘Ouch’: documentation and artists’ films looking at pain and performance.

Live Collision 2016: Just Like a Woman Screenings: Ireland
A presentation of short films on the performance of identity.

Ouch: Pain and Performance at Wellcome Collection
Documentation and artists’ films looking at pain and performance.


Please also look at LADA’s Live Online resource and LADA Screens series.

Banner image credit:

Glimpses of Before: Bernsteins ‘Taking Measurements of yourselves as Artists` Fairlight Glen, Hastings 1972


Falafel Road Residency

A food based investigation by Oreet Ashery and Larissa Sansour into Palestinian/Israeli cultural collaborations.

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LADA and the Catalyst Programme

Summary of LADA activities as part of the ACE’s Catalyst Programme

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Remote Performances

Commissioned performances live from Outlandia, a unique artists’ tree-house studio in Glen Nevis.

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You Are Here

Live Art commissions and presentations in collaboration with the Bluecoat for Liverpool Biennial 2002.

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Reimagining Care

LADA’s latest project Reimagining Care focuses on contemporary discourses about care and care practices, exploring how they can contribute to transforming the art sector.

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In memory of Monica Ross

An anniversary recitation of The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

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Screenings, talks and a DVD series of artists’ films, documentaries and dialogues, concluding Performance Matters

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Restock, Rethink, Reflect Five: on Managing The Radical

An ongoing project considering the idea of managing the radical (or radicalising the management).

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