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One To One – Individual Artists’ Bursaries in Live Art 2004/2005

The Live Art Development Agency is delighted to announce that seven London based artists have been awarded One To One bursaries of £8,800 each.

The One To One bursaries provide artistic and professional development opportunities for individual practitioners engaged with Live Art.  The bursary recipients will each undertake a self determined programmes of activity that will stimulate new ideas, develop different ways of working and ultimately enhance their artistic practice.

Uniquely, the framework and guidelines for the One To One bursaries were devised in response to the findings of a series of artists' focus groups run by the Live Art Development Agency annually since summer 2001.

This year's selection panel consisted of Sally Tallant of the Serpentine Gallery, Helen Cole of Arnolfini, writer Adrian Heathfield, previous bursary recipient George Chakravarthi and Lois Keidan and Daniel Brine of the Live Art Development Agency.  Philippa Barr of Arts Council England, London attended as an observer.

One To One was instigated by London Arts in 1999.  The scheme is managed by the Live Art Development Agency with funding from Arts Council England, London.


The One To One 2004/2005 artists

The seven One To One bursary artists for 2004/2005 represent a diversity of constituencies and practices and cover a range of process based programmes.

Fernando Arias received a bursaryto address issues of personal and social identity through experimentation with new forms of digital and time based devices; consideration of installation / performance sites; and research and development.

Barby Asante received a bursary to reflect on a body of practice with specific reference to play, participation and interaction; writing and reading; and potential of more risky engagements.

Ansuman Biswas received a bursary to develop a clearer understanding of the relationship between material or bodily sensation and mental or emotional feelings through an eclectic and hybrid scheme of work that is both introverted, analytical practice and extrovert, designed to connect to others.

Rona Lee received a bursary to review the creative processes used to generate work; to critically reflect on the means by which it is produced and disseminated and to explore new contexts for presentation.  To undertake this through strategies – experiential (immersive), absorptive, reflective, and tactical – within a reference framework of water.

Graeme Miller received a bursary to address issues of time: thinking time; catch-up time; playtime; time-to-compact-time time; and writing time.  Ultimately, to make a shift in vocabulary and skills and to prepare as a maker of performance which is distinguished by a dangerous degree of liveness.

Kim Noble received a bursary to undertake a programme of activity that seeks to develop an understanding of new processes of estrangement and obscurity.

Gary Stevens received a bursary to undertake a programme with two primary strands: 1. to revisit previous works and their documentation and to make the works accessible in written, photographic and video form.  2. to undertake video and live experiments in a range of contexts and with a variety of performers.

Other projects in One To One - Individual Artists’ Bursaries in Live Art 2004/2005

Artistic and professional development opportunities for individual practitioners engaged with Live Art

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Gary Stevens, image courtesy of the artist

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