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FRESH 2014 – call for proposals

Queen Mary, University of London in collaboration with the Live Art Development Agency present

Fem Fresh Feminism, Age and Live Art 

Sunday 8 June 2014

Call for Live Art proposals 

Application deadline Thursday 8 May 2014

About Fem Fresh

Fresh, Queen Mary University of London’s platform for fresh artists and ideas, returns on Sunday 8 June 2014.

Fem Fresh will be a day of intergenerational performance and dialogue featuring Fresh, an emerging artist performance platform and Art Tips For Girls, invited presentations on, about, and around feminism and age in Live Art. With contributions from Oreet Ashery, Anne Bean, Bobby Baker, Tania El Khoury, and Marcia Farquhar.

Six artists will be selected to participate in Fem Fresh on an open submissions basis.

The platform is an opportunity for artists of all ages who consider their work in Live Art, or their engagement with issues of feminism or age, to be ‘emerging’. We are seeking proposals for short performances or durational works which are informed by ideas and approaches to feminism and/or age, or are interested in being considered in these frameworks. Selected artists will work with a mentor and receive other support. Application details and deadlines are below.

The platform performances will take place alongside invited Fem Fresh presentations by more ‘seasoned’ practitioners, who will share their insights and experiences in issues of feminism, age and intergenerational dialogues.

Fem Fresh builds on Queen Mary’s Fresh and East End Collaborations (EEC) initiatives, which offered a range of support structures for graduates and emerging artists working with Live Art.

Fem Fresh extends the practice-based research being undertaken by Lois Weaver of Queen Mary into representations of feminism and age in contemporary performance, and contributes to LADAs Restock, Rethink, Reflect Three on Live Art and Feminism, a project mapping the impact of performance on feminist histories, marking the contribution of artists to discourses around contemporary gender politics, and creating resources to support the artists of the future.

Fem Fresh is supported by the Centre for Public Engagement at Queen Mary and is part of the Peopling The Palaces Festival.

Fem Fresh Application Details

Artists are invited to propose works for Fem Fresh by completing an online application form.

The final deadline for applications is Thursday 8 May 2014.

Artists will be notified if they have been selected for Fem Fresh by the week of 12 May.

Fem Fresh will take place in a range of performance and installation studio spaces at Queen Mary, University of London.

Artists may propose short performances of up to 30 minutes, or durational works of up to 4 hours, or interventions in any shape or form.

Selected artists will receive an £100 honorarium, the support of a mentor, and be invited to attend a Fem Fresh critical feedback supper on the evening of 8 June.

Fem Fresh is an opportunity for ‘professional’ artists of all ages who consider their work in Live Art, or their engagement with issues of feminism or age, to be ‘emerging’. ‘Emerging’ intergenerational collaborators are particularly encouraged to apply.

Banner image credit:

Lois Weaver as Tammy Whynot, photograph by Christa Holka


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