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Money Talks, 29 October

Artsadmin and the Live Art Development Agency presented Money Talks, a public event for artists, focusing on the sticky subject of raising money on Tuesday 29 October 2013.

Three presentations offered insights into successful experiences of raising finance through crowd-funding, individual giving and corporate social responsibility avenues. Questions and issues arising from these case studies led to a group discussion exploring the ethical and practical concerns.

Below are two recordings from the event featuring presentations from Deborah Curtis, House of Fairy Tales and Bridget Mckenzie, The Learning Planet.

Money Talks is a Talking Shop initiative aiming to put artists’ experiences and reflections at the heart of a two-year research project by Artsadmin, Live Art Development and Home Live Art, funded by Catalyst. A summary of LADA's Catalyst activities can be found here

Tuesday 29 October 2013, 7.30pm, free
Toynbee Studios, Aldgate, London

Banner image credit:

Rajni Shah, photograph courtesy of the artist

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