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DIY: 2011 – Chris Goode Queer Eye Enquiry: ways of not seeing straight

Professional development projects BY artists FOR artists across the UK

DIY 8: 2011 – Call for Participants

Thinking about new models of queer performance process and praxis, through a refreshed perspective on the political dimensions of queer experience.


Project summary:
The main body of the project will run on four consecutive Saturdays. Participants will receive one or more communications every week, online and/or through the mail, containing stimulus materials and invitations relating to one or more tasks to be completed and recorded / documented during the day. Tasks will involve engaging with a range of public, personal and interstitial spaces, using supplied texts / images etc. as a way of framing, shaping or informing those engagements. A final (fifth) session will bring participants together to share their experiences of the project and any insights they may have gained.

The project is offered both to self-identifying queer artists / activists (especially, but not exclusively, emerging practitioners) and to those who may not identify as queer but would value the opportunity to think through questions around performance and radical political engagement from a queer perspective.

Dates, times and location:
This project is being run on a decentred basis so participants can take part wherever they are. Some tasks will assume access to city/town locations; applicants based in rural areas for whom urban access is more difficult should contact Chris (below) to discuss. Any special access needs can be accommodated in the design of the project.

Project task dates are Saturdays 17 and 24 September, 1 and 8 October; participants will be asked to clear as much of those days as possible. The final session will take place on Saturday 15 October in Birmingham, 12.30-5.30pm, as guests of Fierce. Participants’ travel to/from Birmingham will be covered.

Application procedure:
Expressions of interest should be emailed to [email protected].

Please attach a short (1-2 page) CV, a brief artist’s statement about the ideas that inform your current practice, and a paragraph discussing your connection with the propositions and themes of this project and the reason(s) for your interest in it. Supporting materials (images, video, links etc.) are very welcome but not essential.

Anyone wishing to discuss the project before applying is welcome to get in touch via the same email address in the first instance. Closing date for applications is Friday 15 July, 2011.

The artist:
Chris Goode is a writer and maker for experimental theatre and performance. He is currently an Artsadmin associate artist. He has made work for a wide variety of contexts, for venues ranging from Tate Modern and the Royal Opera House to the Klinker and Stoke Newington International Airport. Recent work with a specifically queer remit has included THE ADVENTURES OF WOUND MAN AND SHIRLEY and WHERE YOU STAND (both for Queer Up North), HEY MATHEW (for Development Lab at Theatre in the Mill), and GLASS HOUSE (Deloitte Ignite). Queer performance work currently in development includes WHERE WE MEET (for Chris Goode & Company) and SLAVES (with Jonny Liron for Action one19). He is an experienced teacher, professional mentor and workshop leader. His widely-read blog, Thompson’s Bank of Communicable Desire, is at

Contact information:
Please email in the first instance: [email protected]

This project was a response to the DIY 8 Call for Proposals

Part of DIY: 2011

Unusual professional development projects conceived and run BY artists FOR artists


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