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Call for Proposals: Privilege and Class, Artist Residency

Open call for proposals from artists to undertake a Residency programme with LADA in London and with Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) in Canterbury, Kent.

The residency 

This residency will look at the ways that Live Art can contribute to the development of new methodologies to engage artists, participants and audiences that have been excluded from the experience of art, and explore the possibilities of “best practices” that are sensitive to the nuances of power and relational in their understanding of arts practices.

We are seeking proposals from artists to undertake a two-stranded residency programme: (a) a two-week research-based strand in LADA’s Study Room in Hackney Wick, London, exploring Live Art practices and methodologies in relation to issues of class and cultural privilege; and (b) a four-week practice based strand with CCCU and Sidney Cooper Gallery (in Canterbury, Kent), during which the artist will work with local community groups to put aspects of the research undertaken with LADA into practice.

Residency dates

The two-week strand at LADA in London can take place at a mutually agreed time between September and November 2016.

The four-week strand in Canterbury can take place at a mutually agreed time between November 2016 and February 2017, but will need to include 24-28 January in Canterbury. The final output will also comprise part of a Tate Exchange programme in Spring 2017 at Tate Modern, London.   


The residency is aimed at a UK based artist whose practice has directly engaged with the impact of cultural and economic privilege. 

The artist must work within the area of Live Art and have at least five years experience of making and presenting work and have direct experience of, and an interest in, working collaboratively.

The artist must have direct experience of, and an interest in, undertaking self-determined research and developing new approaches to, and understandings of, research in relation to Live Art. The artist must also have experience with community engagement projects and/or grassroots activism.

We particularly welcome proposals from artists from culturally diverse backgrounds and artists working in/with ‘underrepresented’ territories. 

The offer

The artist will receive a total residency budget of £9,000.

An additional budget of up to £2,000 will be available to artists based outside London and Canterbury to cover travel costs and accommodation for the duration of the residency. 

More info: 

View the full brief and details on how to apply here

Deadline for applications: 14 July 2016

This Residency is part of LADA’s Restock Reflect Rethink Four project on Live Art and Privilege.




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Photo: A famous portrait of class in the UK – Harrow schoolboys in London. Photo: Jimmy Sime/Getty Images

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