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Gut Reactions : Watch, Read, Chat

As part of our Study Room Ambassador scheme LADA is delighted to continue the Gut Reactions series of Study Room Sessions with Phoebe Patey-Ferguson throughout 2017.

This is an opportunity to take some time to watch and discover exciting material from the archive, in a relaxed and open environment. Each month an invited artist will draw on LADA’s Study Room holdings to select works that inspire their practice.  

Sessions will open up unexpected connections, hidden treasures and dynamic interrelations between contemporary artists, their peers and their forebears. 

The sessions will run all year from 6-9pm on the last Wednesday of alternate months with the next installment happening in November 2017.

Programme Info

Wednesday 31 May: Edythe Woolley

Edythe Woolley’s work is feminist, provocative and strikingly visceral. She explores the grotesque through surreal and vivid elements, sculptural protrusions and physical representation. Her work embraces taboos and pushes the boundaries of society’s gendered constructions.

Wednesday 29 March: Jade Monserrat and members of The Rainbow Tribe 

The Rainbow Tribe is a project led by Jade Monserrat and Ria Hartley. The Rainbow Tribe: Affectionate Movement is a supportive virtual collective that transforms cultural currency into empowerment – a remote coming-together of individuals from a multiplicity of backgrounds in an exploration of social media’s ability to celebrate, support, empower or denigrate. 

Affectionate Movement is a term coined by Jade Montserrat to describe an approach to exploring shifts in freedom, agency, ethics, care, and being in community.

Wednesday 25 January: Burns Night special session curated by Scotland's premier destructive artist  FK Alexander

 FK Alexander is a Glasgow based performance artist whose work is concerned with wound, recovery, aggressive healing, radical wellness and noise music. Ongoing work is Further Investigative Experiments into technological rebellion, the decline of western civilisation, new animal ways and survival.  Employed elements include drone, frequency, waste, strobe and hammers. 


Further artists will be announced shortly 

Banner image credit:

Edythe Woolley, Did You Get That From Your Mother?, image by Julia Bauer

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