Beginningless Thought/Endless Seeing is a fully illustrated colour catalog documenting the acclaimed 2009 retrospective exhibition of the artist Stuart Sherman curated by John Hagan, Yolanda Hawkins, and John Matturri. It is the first and only monograph of Sherman’s work, surveying the wide spectrum of media that constituted the entirety of the artist’s creative practice including performance, writing, drawing, collage, sculpture and film.
The publication includes contributions from Mark Bradford, Stefan Brecht, Robin Deacon, S.K. Duff, John Hagan, Yolanda Hawkins, Babette Mangolte, John Matturri, Linda G. Schulze, Tripod Depot, and was designed by Julian Bittiner.
NYU Steinhardt: 80WSE, 2012. Hardback, 84 pages with colour and black and white photographs throughout. 25cm x 17cm