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The Abramovic Method


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Specially conceived for the Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, The Abramovi€à Method exhibition was Marina Abramovi€à’s first major museum exhibition since her retrospective in 2010 at the MoMA.

The Abramovi€à Method is a set of theory and practices about performance art, defined by Abramovi€à as “a mental and physical construction that you make in front of the public in a certain time and place. And then an energy happens.”

This catalogue from the exhibition is divided into two volumes. The first of these brings together for the first time ever Marina Abramovi€à’s artworks realised in Italy, with new essays written by Renato Barilli, Achille Bonito Oliva, Germano Celant, Gillo Dorfles, Antonello Tolve and Angela Vettese. The second volume focuses exclusively on the process that led up to the creation of the method itself, and comprises all the phases involved, from the installation to the testimonies of those who have experienced it first hand.

24 ORE Cultura, 2012. volume one 200 pages, volume two 95 pages. Hardback, colour images throughout,26 cm x 30 cm.

ISBN 978-8-8664-8090-7

