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Swiss Study Room Guide




This Study Room Guide on Swiss Live Art was commissioned and produced as part of a 2018-2021 collaboration between LADA and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, to raise the profile of Swiss Live Art in the UK and contribute to the development of exchanges and collaborations between artists and promoters in the UK and Switzerland. Alongside the Study Room Guide, this project involved four research residences by Ivy MonteiroAndrea Saemann, Parvez Imam and Maïté Chénière, a Live Art UK research trip to Switzerland, and a series of contextualising events.

LADA commissioned the artists/curators Andrea Saemann and Madeleine Amsler to create the guide, which takes the form of two essays on/about Andrea and Madeleines’ respective histories and work within the Swiss performance scene, an interview with them both conducted by the UK writer Mary Paterson, and a list of key resources on Swiss Live Art held or acquired by LADA in its Study Room, alongside the artists’ recommendations of other resources to research.


Published by LADA

