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Stigmata – Helene Cixous


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Stigmata is work that gets away: escaping reader, writer, and book…

This is a collection of recent short texts by Helene Cixous, who is hailed as a foremost contemporary writer and thinker of our time. World-renowned for her brilliant contributions to French feminism and acclaimed by luminaries such as Jacques Derrida, her writing, and in particular her fictional texts which constitute by far the greatest part of her work, has nonetheless been misunderstood and misread, often simply avoided, to a surprising extent. Cixous is extremely attentive to what language has to say and her playful, boundary-bending, and innovative style is what makes her work so exciting, powerful, moving, and suspicious.

The pieces included here resist classification according to any simple categories of subject matter or genre. With the remarkably creative rigor she is known for, Helene Cixous’s writing is taken up in a reading pursuit, chasing across borders and through languages on the heels of works by authors who share an elusive movement in spite of striking differences. Along the way, these essays explore the broad range of poetico-philosophical questions that have long been circulating in the Cixousian universe: the self and the other, autobiographies of writing, love’s labors lost and found, sexual difference, feminism and feminine hours, the prehistory of the work of art and reading the visual arts, animal (w)rites and trans-species relations, literary theory, post-colonial theory, death and life, woven into a writing performance at the intersection of contemporary Western history and a singularity named Helene Cixous.

Routledge, Oxon, 1998, 296 pages, 19.4cm x 12.4cm.

ISBN 978-0415345453

