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Splat! The Adventures of Little Bitch: Part One – Lauren Barri Holstein and Alethea Raban



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Splat! is a story about The Famous – a recklessly imperious, adorably detestable, pop-performance-star.

Splat! is a story about Little Bitch, a sheltered young girl who cares for her father and their little cottage, until she births her inner monstrous vagina-beast and then some stuff happens.

Splat! is a story about trying to become the ultimate female victim but it’s just too hard/boring/expensive.

Splat!, a collaboration between The Famous Lauren Barri Holstein and Alethea Raban, is a graphic novel adaptation of the performance Splat! by The Famous, which premiered at The Barbican as the opening for SPILL Festival of Performance 2013.

The Famous Adventures, 2015. 109 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9932638-2-8

