Naseem Khan (1939 – 2017) was instrumental in bringing ‘ethnic minority’ arts into the mainstream and a major force within the Arts Council after her report THE ARTS BRITAIN IGNORES, that highlighted the burgeoning arts activity among Britain’s ethnic communities, was published.
“This is an important story from the front line of multicultural experience, exploring the politics of race, identity and gender. Naseem Khan, an unlikely activist, describes her unusual mixed family background and the pioneering role she played from the sixties onwards in the recognition of ethnic and minority arts. It is essential reading for those trying to understand what Britain is today, and how we got here – a portrait of an age of extraordinary change, in which she played a significant part.” Dame Margaret Drabble
“Culture pioneer who brought ethnic minority arts into the mainstream.” The Guardian
ISBN: 978-1-910422-39-7
Bluemoose, 2017. 22cm x 15.2cm, 227 pages, paperback with colour and b&w photographs