Artist Development Links
With Artsadmin, we have compiled a downloadable resource guide intended for artists who work in Live Art and contemporary performance and are at the start of their career.
Below you can find a selection of links to organisations we hope are useful. It’s not a comprehensive list by any means, but we hope it’s a useful starting point. Please email us if you have a link that you think should be added.
The following organisations offer professional development services relevant to artists and arts professionals working in contemporary performance practices, in varying ways :
- Artists Information Company (a-n)
- ArtQuest
- Arts Alive Wales Network
- Arts in Health Network
- Arts Professional
- Artsphere
- COMPASS Live Art
- Contemporary Visual Arts Network
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Creative Youth Network
- Culture Colony
- D6 Culture in Transit
- Dance East
- English National Youth Arts Network
- Family Arts Campaign
- Film London
- Independent Dance Managers Network
- International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts IETM
- Live Art Development Agency
- Metal
- Mothers Who Make
- National Association of Street Artists
- National Disability Arts Collection & Archive
- New Art West Midlands
- On the Move
- Platforma Artists & Refugee Network
- Plymouth Culture Network
- Queen Mary Legal Advice Support
- Send Network
- Shape
- Sound and Music
- South East Dance
- Southwark Arts Forum
- The Magdalena Project
- Theatre Bristol
- Troop Artist Membership
- Umaja Arts Network
- Visual Arts South West
- Visual Arts South West
The following organisations offer resources and networks that are working in a different performance context:
The following are annual or in some cases biennial festivals which present contemporary performance work of a national and/or international profile :
- Abandon Normal Devices
- Accidental Festival
- And What? Queer Arts Festival
- Autism Arts Festival
- B-Side Festival
- BE Festival
- Brighton Festival
- Brighton Fringe
- Coastival
- Croydonites Festival
- Curious Arts
- DaDa Fest
- Dance Umbrella
- Double Thrills
- Dublin Theatre Festival
- Edinburgh Festival
- Edinburgh Fringe
- Fierce Festival
- Flare Festival
- Forest Fringe
- House Biennial
- Inbetween Time
- Incoming Festival
- Journeys Festival
- Latitude
- LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre)
- Live Collision
- London International Mime Festival
- Manchester International Festival
- Mayfest
- Milton Keynes International Festival
- Norfolk & Norwich Festival
- Nottdance
- Outburst Queer Arts Festival
- Platforma Festival
- Pulse
- Queer Contact Festival
- SHOUT Festival
- SICK! Festival
- Sprint
- Submerge Festival
- Supernormal
- Take Me Somewhere Festival
- Two Degrees
- Vaul Festival
- Watch Out
- Whitstable Biennale
- Women of the World
The following are not funding bodies, but provide information about how to find potential funding bodies for your project. Be sure to read all the detailed guidelines and background information offered before making any application or approach to a potential funder.

The following provide listings on opportunities, news and events in varying ways, and are particularly relevant to artists working in contemporary performance practice :
The following offer sources of funding in various ways. Be sure to read all the detailed guidelines and background information offered before making any application or approach. This is not a comprehensive list! Please also see Funding Information Hubs to find further examples of funding routes.
- Arts and Humanities Research Council
- Arts Council England
- Arts Council Northern Ireland
- British Council
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Creative Scotland
- Elephant Trust
- Esmée Fairbairn
- EU Cultural Contact Point
- Henry Moore Foundation
- Jerwood Charitable Foundation
- Kickstarter
- Paul Hamlyn Foundation
- PRS for music foundation
- Wellcome Trust
Artist Run Initiatives
As part of the advisory service we support individual and peer-led artist run groups. This is by no means the definitive list, so please do let us know if you think there are other organisations we should include here:

The following offer studio space for hire (London-only) :
- Albany Deptford
- Artists Studio Finder
- Arts Theatre
- Artsadmin
- Brady Arts and Community Centre
- Chelsea Theatre
- Chisenhale Dance Space
- Corsica Studios
- Creation Box
- Dance Attic Studios
- Dance Research Studio
- Factory London
- Greenwich Dance Agency
- Husky Studios
- Jacksons Lane
- Jerwood Space
- Laban
- London Bubble
- Mouse Trap Theatre Projects
- Moving East
- National Circus
- Ovalhouse
- Race and Rhythm
- Shoreditch Town Hall
- Siobhan Davies Studios
- Space at Clarence Mews
- Space Studios
- Stockwell Playhouse
- Studio Wayne McGregor
- Sugar Studios’ Big Space
- Sunshine International Arts
- The Circus Space
- The Oxford House
- The Place
- The Poor School
- The Space
- Theatre Peckham
- Union Theatre
- West Greenwhich Community Arts Centre
The following are online blogs that provide useful information, articles, reviews and listings that might be of interest to artists and arts professionals working within contemporary performance practices.
- Aesthetica Magazine
- Art Licks
- Art Monthly
- Art Player
- Creative Tourist
- Everything Theatre Blog
- Exeunt
- Flaneur
- Jotta
- Lyn Gardner Theatre Blog
- Oot and Aboot
- Self Sector
- This is tomorrow
- We Make Money Not Art
The following are platforms for presenting and/or developing performance work. Many of these, but not all, are open to application. Please follow the links for detailed information on the nature of the platform, who it is intended for, and how to approach:
- AiR Project FRESH AiR
- Artsadmin SCRITS
- Camden People’s Theatre
- Deep Trash
- Double Thrills
- Drunken Chorus
- IPA Bristol
- Open Labs at Barbican
- Outburst Festival
- Pilot
- Pulse
- Spill National Platform
- Sprint
- Tempting Failure

Banner image credit:
Franko B and Nando Messias in conversation, Live Art Now, Queen Mary University of London, July 2019. Still from video, by Claire Nolan.
Part of Links and Resources for Artists
A series of resources – FAQs, links, lists of organisations and venues etc. – for artists working in Live Art and contemporary performance in the UK.
Links and Resources for Artists
A series of resources – FAQs, links, lists of organisations and venues etc. – for artists working in Live Art and contemporary performance in the UK.
Read moreLive Art Venues
A list of London based venues and organisations with an interest in Live Art.
Read more