Links and Resources for Artists
With Artsadmin, we have compiled a series of resources, which we think are useful to artists working in Live Art and contemporary performance in the UK. These FAQs, links and lists of organisations and venues are intended as a starting point for your research and project development. They aren’t comprehensive, so please do get in touch if you know of something which should be included.
Artist Development Links
Below you can find a selection of links to organisations we hope are useful. It’s not a comprehensive list by any means, but we hope it’s a useful starting point. Please email us if you have a link that you think should be added.
Here you will find useful links to:
- Advisors, Networks & Professional Development
- Other Networks and Career Resources
- Festivals
- Funding Information Hubs
- E-Lists
- Funding Bodies
- Artist Run Initiatives
- Space Hire
- Blogs
- Open Calls
- Further Career / R&D
- Curated Platforms

The following organisations offer professional development services relevant to artists and arts professionals working in contemporary performance practices, in varying ways :
- Artists Information Company (a-n)
- ArtQuest
- Arts Alive Wales Network
- Arts in Health Network
- Arts Professional
- Artsphere
- COMPASS Live Art
- Contemporary Visual Arts Network
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Creative Youth Network
- Culture Colony
- D6 Culture in Transit
- Dance East
- English National Youth Arts Network
- Family Arts Campaign
- Film London
- Independent Dance Managers Network
- International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts IETM
- Live Art Development Agency
- Metal
- Mothers Who Make
- National Association of Street Artists
- National Disability Arts Collection & Archive
- New Art West Midlands
- On the Move
- Platforma Artists & Refugee Network
- Plymouth Culture Network
- Queen Mary Legal Advice Support
- Send Network
- Shape
- Sound and Music
- South East Dance
- Southwark Arts Forum
- The Magdalena Project
- Theatre Bristol
- Troop Artist Membership
- Umaja Arts Network
- Visual Arts South West
- Visual Arts South West
The following organisations offer resources and networks that are working in a different performance context:
The following are annual or in some cases biennial festivals which present contemporary performance work of a national and/or international profile :
- Abandon Normal Devices
- Accidental Festival
- And What? Queer Arts Festival
- B-Side Festival
- BE Festival
- Brighton Festival
- Brighton Fringe
- Certain Blacks
- Coastival
- Croydonites Festival
- Curious Arts
- DaDa Fest
- Dance Umbrella
- Double Thrills
- Dublin Fringe Festival
- Edinburgh Festival
- Edinburgh Fringe
- Fierce Festival
- Flare Festival
- Forest Fringe
- House Biennial
- Inbetween Time
- Incoming Festival
- Journeys Festival
- Knotty
- Latitude
- LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre)
- Live Collision
- London International Mime Festival
- Manchester International Festival
- Mayfest
- Milton Keynes International Festival
- Norfolk & Norwich Festival
- Nottdance
- Outburst Queer Arts Festival
- performingborders
- Platforma Festival
- Pulse
- Queer Contact Festival
- SHOUT Festival
- SICK! Festival
- Sprint
- Submerge Festival
- Supernormal
- Take Me Somewhere Festival
- Tempting Failure
- Two Degrees
- Vaul Festival
- Watch Out
- Whitstable Biennale
- Women of the World
The following are not funding bodies, but provide information about how to find potential funding bodies for your project. Be sure to read all the detailed guidelines and background information offered before making any application or approach to a potential funder.

The following offer sources of funding in various ways. Be sure to read all the detailed guidelines and background information offered before making any application or approach. This is not a comprehensive list! Please also see Funding Information Hubs to find further examples of funding routes.
- Arts and Humanities Research Council
- Arts Council England
- Arts Council Northern Ireland
- British Council
- Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Creative Scotland
- Elephant Trust
- Esmée Fairbairn
- EU Cultural Contact Point
- Henry Moore Foundation
- Jerwood Charitable Foundation
- Kickstarter
- Paul Hamlyn Foundation
- PRS for music foundation
- Wellcome Trust
The following provide listings on opportunities, news and events in varying ways, and are particularly relevant to artists working in contemporary performance practice :
Artist Run Initiatives
As part of the advisory service we support individual and peer-led artist run groups. This is by no means the definitive list, so please do let us know if you think there are other organisations we should include here:

The following offer studio space for hire (London-only) :
- Albany Deptford
- Artists Studio Finder
- Arts Theatre
- Artsadmin
- Brady Arts and Community Centre
- Chelsea Theatre
- Chisenhale Dance Space
- Corsica Studios
- Creation Box
- Dance Attic Studios
- Dance Research Studio
- Factory London
- Greenwich Dance Agency
- Husky Studios
- Jacksons Lane
- Jerwood Space
- Laban
- London Bubble
- Mouse Trap Theatre Projects
- National Circus
- Ovalhouse
- Race and Rhythm
- Shoreditch Town Hall
- Siobhan Davies Studios
- Space at Clarence Mews
- Space Studios
- Studio Wayne McGregor
- Sugar Studios’ Big Space
- Sunshine International Arts
- The Circus Space
- The Oxford House
- The Place
- The Space
- Theatre Peckham
- Union Theatre
- West Greenwhich Community Arts Centre
The following are online blogs that provide useful information, articles, reviews and listings that might be of interest to artists and arts professionals working within contemporary performance practices.
- Aesthetica Magazine
- Art Licks
- Art Monthly
- Art Player
- Creative Tourist
- Everything Theatre Blog
- Exeunt
- Flaneur
- Jotta
- Lyn Gardner Theatre Blog
- Oot and Aboot
- Self Sector
- This is tomorrow
- We Make Money Not Art
- AiR Project FRESH AiR
- Artsadmin SCRITS
- Camden People’s Theatre
- Deep Trash
- Double Thrills
- Drunken Chorus
- IPA Bristol
- Open Labs at Barbican
- Outburst Festival
- Pilot
- Pulse
- Spill National Platform
- Sprint
- Tempting Failure
Live Art Venues
Below you can find links to venues, festivals, events and producers based in London with an interest in Live Art.
For more information on venues and organisations outside of London see our Live Art Advisory Network partner Artsadmin’s links and resources.

Venues, festivals, events, producers based in London with an interest in Live Art
- AiR Project
- Artangel
- Artichoke
- Artsadmin
- Barbican
- Battersea Arts Centre (BAC)
- Beaconsfield
- Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club
- Camden Arts Centre
- Camden People’s Theatre
- Chisenhale Dance Space
- Chisenhale Gallery
- Club Wotever
- Cuntemporary
- Dance Umbrella
- Duckie
- Forest Fringe
- Fuel
- The Glory
- Guest Projects
- Home Live Art
- Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)
- London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT)
- London International Mime Festival
- Ovalhouse
- Raven Row
- Rich Mix
- Roundhouse
- Sadler’s Wells
- Serpentine Gallery
- Soho Theatre
- Somerset House
- Something Human
- Southbank Centre
- SLG (South London Gallery)
- Steakhouse Live
- Tate Britain
- Tate Modern
- The Place
- The Sick of the Fringe
- The Yard
- UnderConstruction
- Unicorn
- UP Projects
- Wellcome Collection

Live Art Frequently Asked Questions
The staff of Artsadmin and LADA have compiled this information and advice resource. It is intended to be a starting point for artists who work in Live Art and who are at the start of their career. Just as the practice of every artist is different, so are their professional development needs. We therefore encourage each artist to treat the information provided here as a springboard for their own self-directed research.
Here we answer the following questions:
- What is Live Art
- What opportunities and resources are offered by LADA
- How do I get my work seen
- How do I begin to think about fundraising
- How can I represent my work
- How do I find ways of getting my work written about
- Where can I go for more advice

What is Live Art
Live Art is an umbrella term encompassing a range of performance, performative and time-based practices; some view it as a strategy for making work that is not defined by art form.
There are many useful summary texts about Live Art available online, including:
Joshua Sofaer’s What is Live Art? and the What is Live Art? text on LADA’s website.
Perhaps the best way to find out more about the Live Art scene is to go and see as much work as possible. Get connected and find out what’s on by subscribing to the newsletters and social media feeds suggested below.
Other Organisations
Many other organisations across the UK support artists working in Live Art from Live Art UK, a national network of key promoters and facilitators who support the Live Art infrastructure, to multiple artist-led initiatives such as CLAY in Leeds and BUZZCUT in Glasgow, plus many more. If your work crosses over into the dance field, also check out the artist development spaces such as Chisenhale Dance Space.
We also recommended you check out the following e-lists and websites:
Artsadmin and LADA have also compiled these extensive lists of networks / funding bodies / festivals / venues / studios / blogs / campaigns – available here.

What opportunities and resources are offered by LADA
LADA Study Room – A free, open access research facility in London, housing one of the largest publicly accessible libraries of Live Art related videos, DVDs and publications in the world. Search the entire Study Room Catalogue online.
DIY – Annual UK wide professional development opportunities run by LADA to support projects conceived and run BY artists FOR artists.
Unbound – The world’s only dedicated online shop for Live Art books, DVDs and limited editions.
Restock, Rethink, Reflect – Ongoing series of public programmes, professional development activities, and archival and publishing initiatives mapping and marking underrepresented and culturally marginalised artists, practices and histories whilst also investing in future generations.
Live Online – A series of channels where you can watch short videos and films selected from LADA’s Study Room or generated through programmes and initiatives.
Online Resources – A series of web pages focused on: Live Art venues in London; Writing about Live Art; E-mail lists and forums and useful downloads for artists.
Further Artist Opportunities – LADA regularly presents artist development opportunities including: platforms, awards, workshops, talks, screenings, and and much more. All opportunities will be promoted on the LADA newsletter – sign up here.
How do I get my work seen
Often the best opportunity for artists to present their work early on in their career is at ‘platform’ or scratch events. These can be good opportunities to try out work in front of an audience, to hear views on it and to network with other artists at a similar stage. Feedback can be constructive; it can be useful to think in advance about what you would like feedback on and how to generate a discussion which will support you and your work.
The best place to find about platform opportunities is through individual websites, newsletters and discussions groups. Artists should also independently research venues, festivals and institutes that may be interested in their work, and join those organisation’s social media channels and/or newsletters to find any opportunities to perform.
There are many open-call platforms specifically for artists who are starting out, from artist-run projects like Tempting Failure (Bristol) and Homes for Waifs and Strays (Birmingham) to larger festivals such as Experimentica (Chapter, Cardiff) and In Between Time Festival (Bristol). Established venues and producers also present open-call platform events such as the annual Now series at The Yard Theatre (London), Open Labs at the Barbican (London), plus hÅb (Manchester) and Compass Live Art (Leeds) to name a few.
Also see the SPLL Festival (London/Ipswich): a high profile National Platform for up to 50 emergent artists at their Ipswich Festival, with 10 subsequently being selected to go forward to the SPILL London Showcase.
Platforms for artists with more experience include Caravan Showcase, British Council Showcase (Edinburgh Festival) and Flying Solo at Contact Theatre (Manchester).
Many artists also create their own contexts for showing work; by joining forces with others to hire a space to make and/or show work or by presenting work in homes and public spaces.
How to find the relevant info:
The majority of current UK open-calls are advertised on the weekly Artsadmin E-digest. LADA provides a list of Live Art key venues in London to be found if you scroll further down the page. Artsadmin provides a list of Festivals, Venues, Platforms and Artist Led Initiatives under the Artist Support section of their website.
How do I begin to think about fundraising
We recommend that when it comes to fundraising you should make sure you fully research your options, be realistic in your planning, read the available application guidance information and talk to any available funding advisors. Newsletters and social media carry huge amounts of information about opportunities for funding, residencies and commissions.
When starting out the most relevant sources of funding tend to be the more publicly known ones, such as Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts Scheme.
Projects can also be supported through crowd-funding initiatives and certain Trusts and Foundations. A list of funding bodies and discussions around approaches to crowd-funding is available through Artsadmin’s online resources.
Many artists also support their practice through a range of jobs. Thinking about how you can find support ‘in kind’ is also key – can you offer skills and time in exchange for space for example. Again, getting involved and developing your community can really help.
How can I represent my work
There will be many times in their career when artists need to represent their practice to others – for example, a studio visit, a submission for a commission, a funding application, an informal meeting. When the time comes, think about how you can best present / represent your work, and at the same time think about what the person / people you are presenting to will want to know about you and what you do. There is unlikely to be ‘one’ package that you should have but rather a selection of ‘components’ that can be packaged together.
We suggest that there are three key areas that artists should address:
Content – what it’s about (and why)
Form – what it looks like / how it works
Context – how it relates to the sector and its history; how it relates to what the venue / funder / commissioner is doing / interested in; and how it relates to what other artists are doing
If you are preparing a package of information to give to someone or to submit with an application you could ask yourself some of the following questions.
- Should I provide documentation of my work (maybe a dvd of a full performance or an edited version, if you have one) or a promotional package (like a show reel with edited highlights)?
- How much material should I provide?
- What form should my documentation / package take – dvd, images, text, URL link to online material?
- Should I include a CV (a list of what I’ve done) or a biography (a more discursive approach)?
- Should I include press clippings, reviews or testimonials? If I don’t have any available can I arrange for someone who has seen my work – e.g. university tutor – to write something for me?
If you are writing a proposal, ask yourself:
- Have I covered all the bases – i.e. have I made sure all the ‘required’ information (such as addressing guidelines of an application procedure) is included?
- What should the tone of my writing be – e.g. hard-sell or background information?
- Do I want a reaction / response? If yes, have I built in a mechanism for this response (such as ‘please let me know if you will be able to attend my performance’)?
Our four tips, in relation to preparing written statements about your work are:
- Make sure you write a short (paragraph) and long (one page) version early on in the development of your project, and continually update and revise these statements as your project progresses. Preparing statements at this early stage will ensure that you have material ‘ready to go’ when asked
- Get a friend to read a draft with fresh eyes. Ask how it strikes them and if your intention is coming across.
- Be sure to provide the information that is required. This almost always includes content, form and context.
- Target your proposal. Make sure your material is written for the person who is going to read it. And if you are writing a letter never use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’; instead, research and identify the name of the person you want to communicate with.
How do I find ways of getting my work written about
A good way to contextualize, promote and develop your work is to create/encourage written responses, if this is an avenue that interests you. With the proliferation of independent blogs there are a number of mechanisms for how to engage with writers about your work. The LADA website has a list of critical writing platforms under the Resources section
Again, if the right context for writing about your work doesn’t exist you could consider setting up a blog, asking for email responses from friends and colleagues, or writing about your work yourself.
Recommended blogs:
- Exeunt – Online theatre & performance magazine, with weekly newsletter.
- Run-Riot – Listing of cultural happenings in London, updated on a regular is by a team of writers, agitators and culture enthusiasts.
- This is tomorrow – A contemporary art magazine.
- Total Theatre Magazine – An online magazine and resource for practitioners of contemporary theatre and performance.
Where can I go fore more advice
Don’t forget Artsadmin has an artists’ advisory service!
But other artists are likely to be your best long term support network Knowing what it takes to make work, to keep going and to find ways forward – perhaps it is stating the obvious, but supporting others will help develop a sense of community. So many opportunities are created by artists themselves, rather than by institutions – evidence that it is possible to create your own context.
Some links to artists offering advice:
- LADA’s Vimeo channel for ‘Artists on: Being an artist’
- Alan Lane’s practical advice for the newly emerging professional
- Action Hero’s advice on how to make a living as an artist
- GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN’s interview with Action hero about scratch opportunities
- Scottee’s discussion on crowdfunding

Banner image credit:
Oozing Gloop, LADA’s 20th Anniversary Live Art Gala, October 2019. Image: Manuel Vason