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Unpacked Programmes

Trouble Festival, Brussels

June 2012 
CJ Mitchell presented an overview of the Live Art sector in the UK during the event Performance and Institutions: an impossible marriage?, part of the Trouble Festival in Brussels.
A Month of Performance Art, Berlin
May 2012

The Agency presents an Unbound stall and a lecture by CJ Mitchell on Live Art publishing as part of A Month of Performance Art in Berlin
WALA!!! what about live art?
La Porta, Barcelona, Spain
9 to 11 December 2011

Performances and DIY programmes by Oreet Ashery and Olga Mesa; a Spanish language presentation of The Many Headed Monster; screenings of documentation and works for camera drawn from the Agency’s Documentation Bank; and a lecture about Live Art in the UK by Lois Keidan.

Turku, Finland, May 2011
Granada, Spain, May 2009
Geneva, Switzerland, March 2008
Khoj, Dehli, India, March 2008
Prague, Czech Republic, December 2007

Part of PERFORMANSSI 2011, Turku, Finland

The Agency curates An Audience With…for European Capital of Culture.

PERFORMANSSI 2011, Turku, Finland

The Agency curates An Audience With…for European Capital of Culture.

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Take the money and run? – an event about ethics, funding and art

Take the money and run? is a day of presentations, provocations and discussions

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Dialogues: Art, Performance, Film at Rich Mix, January 30 2014

A day long symposium and screening event on dialogues in art

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ARCO 2008 – Trans:actions

A series of talks and commissioned films exploring Live Art and the Art Market.

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Live Art Now

A talk entitled Live Art Now on the UK Live Art scene and the work of LADA

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Panel Discussion: A Curator’s Guide to Live Art

Artists discuss the possibilities of Live Art in the gallery

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2015 LAUK Associates Gathering: Weathering The Storm

The Gathering considered the idea of the Storm as a metaphor for change.

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Performance Dialogues 3: Brian Massumi

The latest filmed dialogue engaging renowned thinkers with questions of performance

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