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Panel Discussion: A Curator’s Guide to Live Art

Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art in partnership with LADA presents:

Panel Discussion: A Curator’s Guide to Live Art

Tuesday 17 June, 7.30 pm
Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art
14 Wharf Road / London / N1 7RW
Tickets £6 (£5 concessions)

An event considering the increasing presence of ephemeral, itinerant Live Art practices within museums, galleries, biennials and art fairs.

Artists Marcia Farqhuar and Harold Offeh and curators Shaheen Merali and Stephanie Rosenthal will discuss the possibilities of Live Art in the gallery, and tensions between the experiential and unknown nature of much performance and the demands of the cultural space to control and contain the art it represents. Chaired by Lois Keidan.

Banner image credit:

Harold Offeh, ‘Hairography’, image courtesy of the artist


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