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“Take the money and run?” – Documentation

Take The Money And Run? was an event about ethics, funding and art that took place at Toynbee Studios, London, on January 29, 2015.

Attended by over 200 people, it was a day of presentations and discussion hosted by three organizations, LADA, Artsadmin, Home Live Art and produced in collaboration with Platform.

The original event listing can be seen here, and the freesheet given out on the day can be downloaded.

Documentation and responses

We commissioned Mary Paterson to create a written response to the event,

Ana Matos documented the event, from which she edited the following 5 and 40 minute extracts:


This documentation represents the culmination of our collective work on ethical funding issues over the previous two years (supported by Arts Council England’s Catalyst programme) and we are delighted to make it widely available to everyone who is engaged with these issues.

Jane Trowell’s ‘Take the Money and Run? Some positions on ethics, business sponsorship and making art’ guide can be downloaded as a PDF or purchased on Unbound.

Subsequently to the event LADA have joined an international line-up of individuals and organisations dedicated to the Fossil Funds Free Commitment indicating that we will not take any oil, coal, or gas corporate sponsorship for our cultural work.

The event was financially supported by Arts Council England through the Catalyst programme, and produced by Live Art Development Agency, Artsadmin, Home Live Art and Platform. A summary of LADA’s Catalyst activities can be read here.

Banner image credit:

Liberate Tate, Sunflower (detail), 2010, Photo: Jeffrey Blackler

Part of Take the money and run? - an event about ethics, funding and art

Take the money and run? is a day of presentations, provocations and discussions

Take the money and run? – an event about ethics, funding and art

Take the money and run? is a day of presentations, provocations and discussions

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