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PerformingBorders2020 ‘Re:Seeding in correspondence’ Screening

The screening of Re:Seeding, in correspondence, a new film by Jade Montserrat formed part of a three-day gathering, bringing all the performingbordersLIVE20 artists together to reimagine borders-free collaborative Live Art practices. Presented by perfomingborders in partnership with Live Art Development Agency, Counterpoints Arts, East Street Arts, Queer Art Projects and HowlRound Theatre Commons. Supported by Arts Council England.

Following from the première of RE:seeding, in correspondence, commissioned artist Jade Montserrat & guest Chandra Frank discuss the performance to camera, its themes and processes.

Below is both the documentation of the artist conversation, and a the film Re:Seeding, in correspondence

Documentation of the full programme can be found here

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Re:Seeding, in correspondence

by Jade Montserrat and Webb-Ellis.


‘There is a connection between ourselves and the earth; this line, or connection, like our communications with one another, is drawing’.

Following the premiere of this new performance to camera, Montserrat will be in conversation with curator Chandra Frank. 

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RE:Seeding, in correspondence - Jade Montserrat in conversation with Chandra Frank

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