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LADA Screens: Sahera Khan

Please join us for the screening of My Glow as the second of four LADA Screens events centred around the themes of voice, care and healing.

What were the additional access barriers that were imposed on Deaf people with the measures taken in earlier stages of the pandemic? How does one cope without communication – such as BSL Interpretation – with the health service during medical appointments and even labour? Sahera Khan’s short film chronicles the pregnancy journey of a mature, Deaf, Muslim, British Sign Language mother through the pandemic and records the grievances of a very recent past.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the artist. Sahera will also teach the audience some BSL words and sentences.

We kindly ask you to wear a mask during this event. You can find more access information below.


About My Glow

A mature, Deaf, Muslim, British Sign Language (BSL) mother shares her pregnancy journey through the pandemic, and how she coped with limited communication with others such as the health service. My Glow (2023) has been shown in UK-based and international film festivals, as well as in an event co-hosted by Sign for All, and Women over Fifty Film Festival. It has been included in the Let’s Include Competition Section of the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival, which was qualified for Academy Awards, and it was also nominated for Short Documentary Award by the Big Syn International Film Festival.

Following the screening, the film will be available to watch online until Saturday 30 March.


Sahera Khan is an artist and actor. Her practice includes writing poems, short plays and comedy; performing poems; filmmaking (short films as well as documentaries); and creating video content on YouTube. Sahera’s first professional breakthrough was her participation in the pop-up performance The Fruit and Vegetable Olympics at the Victoria and Albert Museum in Spring 2019. Her short film Faith (2020) has been awarded a Best Storyline Award from the New Zealand Deaf Short Film Festival and a Critics’ Choice Award for LGBT Film from the Tagore International Film Festival. Sahera has been a Trustee of the Deaf Ethnic Women’s Association (DEWA) and is a keen kickboxer.

more about Sahera's work

About LADA Screens

LADA Screens is a series of free, online screenings of seminal performance documentation, works to camera, short films/video and archival footage. It is part of Live Online, LADA’s dedicated space where you can watch short videos and films drawn from LADA’s Study Room or generated through our programmes and initiatives.

Each screening is available to view for a limited time only, and is launched with a live event at our space in Bethnal Green, London.

This film was selected through an open call for short videos and films around the themes of voice, care and healing.

LADA Screens is curated by the Live Art Development Agency (LADA). LADA is a ‘Centre for Live Art’: a knowledge centre, a production centre for programmes and publications, a research centre setting artists and ideas in motion, and an online centre for digital experimentation, representation and dissemination.

more about lada screens

Access information

We kindly ask the attendees of the event to wear masks to protect those who are disproportionately affected by the ongoing pandemic. We have a limited supply of disposable masks available at LADA but only while stocks last.

The event will be BSL interpreted. The film includes captions and voiceover and uses British Sign Language throughout.

LADA and The Garrett Centre are wheelchair accessible by lift and provide gender inclusive bathrooms.

Should you have any particular requirements please email [email protected] and we will be happy to offer further support.

Film credits:
Written by Sahera Khan
Produced by Jobe Wolf
Edited by Focus Frame Productions
Voiceover Ellie Rashid.

Banner image credit:

Sahera Khan, ‘My Glow’, 2023. Still from video.

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