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DIY 12: 2015 Call for proposals

We are delighted to announce the artists who will be leading DIY 12: 2015 projects. The call for participants is now open. See individual project pages for details on how to apply.

Adam James
Maps to Build Power (with Create, Dublin)
Constructing a fictional people to remap a forgotten city.
Thursday 3 – Saturday 5 September

Agency for Agency
Bringing in the Directions (with Divergency, hÅb + STUN, Manchester)
Live Art and ritual – a documented exploration
Saturday 19 September

Alexandrina Hemsley
Present Histories (with Chelsea Theatre, London)
A conversational space for navigating historical distance and embodied nearness 
November at the British Museum and Chelsea Theatre

Catherine Long and Brian Lobel 
Working (It) Out  with Catherine and Brian (London)
Fitness for YOU! No really; YOU! We want YOU to work out with us 
The first two weeks of October, London

Daniel Oliver
Awkwoods: A Rural Retreat (London)
Experimental adventures in awkward participatory performance

Eilidh MacAskill and Rosana Cade
Sex and Children (with National Theatre Studio, London)
Radical queer Live Art for young audiences 
Tuesday 27 – Friday 30 October

Geraldine Pilgrim 
Going Home (with Abandon Normal Devices, Cumbria)
A developmental exercise exploring the concept of returning to what one understands as “home” 
Saturday 12 – Sunday 20 September

Katherine Araniello
I Can’t Dance (with Unlimited and Colchester Arts Centre)
Art is hard. A day of participatory physical activity, impossible for everyone but accessible to all.
Tuesday 15 September

Katie Etheridge and Simon Persighetti
University of DIY (with Contact, Manchester)
Can you start a University of Live Art in your front room, garden shed or local pub? 
Tuesday 24 – Friday 27 November 

Lucy Hutson and Martin O'Brien 
I Don’t Want a Telly But I Bet I could Wrestle it Out of Your Hands (with Heart of Glass, St Helens)
A Black Friday extravaganza  
Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November

Marcia Farquhar
Jukeboxing (with Folkestone Fringe and Sound & Music, Folkestone )
Putting the punk back into DIY – capturing the noise of the past and abandoning it to the (‘no’) future
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 September

Owen G. Parry
Fans of Live Art  (with Home Live Art, London)
Fanaticize over a live art figure, document, group, movement or practice of your hearts desire!
Friday 25 – Sunday 27 September

Ria Hartley and Selina Thompson
Spaces of Radical Agency (with Compass Live Art, Yorkshire)
A two day retreat exploring how we may transform the ‘safe space’ into a place for radical change
Friday 14 – Sunday 16 August

Shaun Caton
An opportunity to explore ideas of experimental drawing and ‘shadow’ work in ritualistic performance 
Saturday 19 September and dates in October tbc

Simon Farid
Nothing To See Here (with N( )rth Contemporary Arts Warrington)
Interrogating covert performance practices
Friday 9 –  Saturday 10 October

Tania El Khoury and Abigail Conway
FAF (with Norwich Arts Centre)
An armed resistance training for women
Dates tbc

They Are Here
BANK (with Artsadmin, London and Birmingham) 
A collective venture to understand financial systems better, to make these systems more visible, and to devise strategies to operate better within and alongside these systems
Saturday 18 July – Artsadmin, London, Saturday 5 September – Birmingham, Saturday 24 October – London, Saturday 14 November – London

Tim Bromage
Excursions: Creative writing for perfomance (with National Theatre Studio, London)
A week long workshop, creating new writing for performance 
Tuesday 11 – Friday 14 August

Zierle & Carter and Christina Georgiou
Eyes wide open: Unearthing Fragments of the Future (with Live at LICA, North England)
A remote secret location – a group of explorers investigating the myriad of layers that linger and surface – moving between the boundaries of the imagined and reality – infused strongly by their curiosity for the unknown 
Saturday 8 – Wednesday 13 August 

DIY Heart of Glass Specials

Throughout 2015 and 2016 LADA is collaborating with Heart of Glass in St Helens to bring a programme of Live Art activity to the town. As part of this programme we're delighted to have invited the artists Joshua Sofaer and Ursula Martinez to revisit two hugely successful DIYs from previous years of DIY to be restaged and reconceived in St Helens. The deadline for these two projects is Monday 20 July.

Joshua Sofaer and Karen Christopher
This Will Never Happen (St Helens)
Devising impossible ideas for St Helens
Wednesday 21st October, Wednesday 28th October, Wednesday 4th November, Wednesday 11th November, Saturday 21st November

Ursula Martinez 
Don’t wait tables (St Helens)
Don't wait tables – make an act!
Thursday 19 – Friday 20 September 


DIY 12 is part of the Collab Arts Partnership Programme co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Banner image credit:

Adam James, Wasteland Rituals

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