Katherine Araniello, The Dinner Party (2011 / …Revisited, 2014)
“My humble gift and contribution to honour and remember Katherine Araniello who died in February 2019 – an artist that has left such an incredible impact on Live Art, and everyone who met her.
It was Franko B who originally asked if I could make a model of Katherine to honour her in memoriam. Lois Keidan of LADA proposed that the work should be The Dinner Party.
Here I’m synthesising elements of both the original (2011) and the ‘revisited’ (2014) versions of the work. It combines a range of ‘scratchbuilt’, and ‘kitbashed’ source models and figures, including sourced 3D-printed objects. I wanted to embellish certain aspects (the over-full banquet, for instance), and pare back others (no other decor) to highlight the the figures of Katherine, Ernst, the 6 video personas, and ‘scene’. The scene is mounted on a small, black, box, containing a hand-crank music box which plays Happy Birthday (which on video documentation – is the introductory theme tune to the work). Katherine would probably have encouraged me to be bolder and braver with the choice to be modest and somber. I probably should have painted it bright orange, like her iconic and fabulous hairdo.
Tiny Live Art (Development Agency): was a project to celebrate and revere the work of 20 works for each of the 20 years of LADA’s existence. The sad loss of Katherine just before the 20th anniversary celebration, made the whole notion of remembering history, impact, legacy, and looking forward, for me, bittersweet. I proposed that a 21st model, of Katherine, be added to the series. Not to represent the end of one history: but to mark the beginning of another.” – Robert Daniels
The Dinner Party was supported by Unlimited, celebrating the work of disabled artists, with funding from Arts Council England
Diorama on a handmade wooden box, with Kikkerland Music Box. Preiser 16400 (modified), Preiser 17220, Preiser 17219, Noch N1507004, 3D printed “roughy” wheelchair (Shapeways), 3D printed wide-screen TV (Shapeways). Paper. Acrylic.
For LADA’s 20th anniversary, Robert Daniels has created the special edition Tiny Live Art (Development Agency) – 20 works for 20 years: 20 miniature sculptures of iconic performance works, which were nominated by artists and curators.
Part re-enactment, part archive, part hobby, Tiny Live Art embraces and embodies theories and practices of performance documentation, re-enactment and the making and sharing of memory, and draws from aspects of street art, installation and hobbyist pursuits like model railway and airfix kit building.
Robert Daniels has created two sets of Tiny Live Art (Development Agency) editions. One set of editions is made up of twenty pieces which have been created with a bespoke display and are exclusively available as one-off works for sale on Unbound.
The second set of editions are encased within bell jars, are on permanent display in LADA’s Study Room, and are not available to purchase.
On purchasing your Tiny Live Art we will contact you about postage costs and delivery options.
View the full bespoke Tiny Live Art (Development Agency) collection here.
Tiny Live Art (Development Agency) featuring Katherine Araniello launch event: 16 April 2019, at LADA.
LADA marks its 20th Anniversary with a series of initiatives throughout 2019, including a publication, AGENCY: a Partial History of Live Art and a box set of 20 postcards representing key LADA projects and initiatives.