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This is Performance Art Book – Mel Brimfield



This is Performance Art is an in-depth look at the artist Mel Brimfield. Working with dancers, musicians, comedians and theatre makers, Brimfield’s practice explores the history of twentieth century performance and uses humour and storytelling to skew our understanding of the forms and histories that inform her own work.

The book features meticulously crafted posters and programmes for fictional cabarets, complete with costumes and props, which are produced alongside documentary style films and live works that playfully associate performance art with most significant cultural developments of the last 100 years. Low-end showbiz memoirs, sensationalist biographical documentaries and cheap-to-make TV clip programmes compiling lists of The 100 Top/Best/Greatest’ are referenced in the work alongside formal museological displays of performance ephemera and documentation.

Black Dog Publishing, 2011. Paperback, 176 pages, 120 b/w and colour stills, 24cm x 19cm.
ISBN: 9781907317354

