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Perform, Repeat, Record



Bringing together contributors from dance, theatre, visual studies, and art history, Perform, Repeat, Record addresses the conundrum of how Live Art is positioned within history. Set apart from other art forms in that it may never be performed in precisely the same way twice, ephemeral artwork exists both at the time of its staging and long after in the memories of its spectators and their testimonies, as well as in material objects, visual media and text. These multiple occurrences and iterations offer new critical possibilities for thinking and writing histories of performance.

Among the artists, theorists and historians who contributed to this volume are Marina Abramović, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Rebecca Schneider, Boris Groys, Jane Blocker, Carolee Schneemann, Tehching Hsieh, Orlan, Tilda Swinton, and Jean-Luc Nancy.

… in its exhaustive presentation of different types of performances, documentation, and critical approaches, it suggests a way of reading performance that is no longer beholden to modernist notions of transgression, transformation, and the avant-garde.

PAJ, 2013

Perform, Repeat, Record collects a wealth of insights, artifacts, and exchanges germane to pressing issues at the nexus of performance and historiography. Scholars will find it essential to navigating emerging currents of thought at the dynamic intersection of visual arts and performance studies, and it will serve as a useful supplement for courses on performance art.

TDR, 2014

The breadth and depth of Perform, Repeat, Record are astonishing and the range of artists, scholars and insights invigorating.

Real Time Arts, 2013

Intellect in collaboration with the Live Art Development Agency, 2012, 656 pages, paperback, colour and black and white images throughout, 17cm x 23cm.

ISBN 9781841504896

Trade orders: Intellect Books. Find the details on Unbound Trade Orders and Distribution Information page.

