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Marina Abramović – Mary Richards



Marina Abramović is the creator of pioneering performance art which transcends the form’s provocative origins. Her visceral and extreme performances have tested the limits of both body and mind, communicating with audiences worldwide on a personal and political level.

This study by Mary Richards offers an initial exploration and step to critical understanding for anyone interested in studying Abramović’s work.

The book combines: a biography, setting out the contexts of Abramović’s work; an examination of the artist through her writings interviews and influences; a detailed analysis of her work, including studies of the Rhythm series, Nightsea Crossing and The House with the Ocean View, plus practical explorations of the performances and their origins.

Routledge Performance Practitioners, 2009. 168 pp. Paperback. 7.9 x 5.1 x 0.8 inches

