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E:vent Archive and Related Material 2003-2011



Project space E:vent was established by artist Colm Lally in 2003. Over the course of 7 years, the project initiated 120 events, with contributions from more than 400 artists, curators, writers, musicians and performers.

E:vent Archive and Related Material 2003-2011 includes documentation from each of the events that took place. In addition to this material, two texts have been commissioned for the publication, Articulating the Event Space by Peter Lewis and Patient Pursuit of Smoothness by Neil Chapman.

Located in the East End of London, E:vent attempted to exploit the potential of the experimental event, focusing on the role of agency and action to find alternative and progressive ways of communicating art. E:vent’s fundamental politics were founded on the microscopic; algorithmic operations; emergent orders; and random encounters.

Event Media Projects Ltd, 2013. 152 pages; paperback, colour images throughout, 23cm x 15cm.
ISBN 978-0-9576627-0-4

