About LADA Publishing
The Live Art Development Agency is the world’s leading Live Art publisher. We specialise in critical titles on influential ideas and practitioners; artist-led publications and Editions; Box Set artworks, resources and tools; free online publications; and on-demand DVDs.
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How LADA Publishing Works
LADA’s publishing policy is diverse, spanning partnerships with major publishers on key critical titles; publishing our own books, DVDs and online content; and co-publishing artists’ books, editions DVDs, including works made for the web.
LADA specialises in artist-led publications and editions such as Because of Love: Franko B’s Story and Survival of the Sickest, the art of Martin O’Brien, Tim Etchells’ Heroes & Heroines of Live Art T-Shirts and Marcia Farquhar’s 12 Shooters, Project O’s A Contemporary Struggle and Katherine Araniello’s The Dinner Party Revisted. We collaborate with artists on innovative print & DVD ‘box sets’ that function as artworks, resources and critical tools. These include Joshua Sofaer’s Performance Pack and The Many Headed Monster, Documenting Live, Access All Areas: Live Art and Disability, and M21: From the Medieval to the 21st Century, Leslie Hill and Helen Paris’ The Artist’s Borderpanic Compendium and Sibylle Peters’ PLAYING UP: Live Art for kids and adults.
LADA also partners with major publishers on key critical titles including Out of Now – The Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh, a co-publication with The MIT Press; Live: Art and Performance with Tate Publishing; Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojić co-published with Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Programme Notes: Case studies for locating experimental theatre and The Live Art Almanac Volume 3 and 4, both co-published with Oberon Books; and Perform, Record, Repeat, Aine Phillip’s Performance Art in Ireland, A History and Manuel Vason’s Double Exposures, all published with Intellect Books.

Intellect Live
In 2013, LADA and Intellect Books launched Intellect Live, a new series of publications on influential artists working at the edges of performance. The series is characterized by lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed books, created through close collaborations between artists and writers, each of which is the first substantial publication dedicated to an artists’ work.
The first six Intellect Live books are Throwing the Body Into The Fight, a portrait of Raimund Hoghe, edited by Mary Kate Connolly; Pleading in the Blood: The Art and Performances of Ron Athey, edited by Dominic Johnson; The Only Way Home Is Through the Show: Performance Work of Lois Weaver edited by Lois Weaver and Jen Harvie, It’s All Allowed: The Performances of Adrian Howells edited by Deirdre Heddon and Dominic Johnson, Kira O’Reilly: Untitled (Bodies) edited by Harriet Curtis and Martin Hargreaves; and Anne Bean:Self Etc edited by Rob La Frenais. The seventh in the series will be a publication on Joshua Sofaer, edited by Roberta Mock and Mary Paterson. Download a PDF brochure of the series.

Get involved with LADA Publishing
The Live Art Almanac
LADA issues open calls for proposals for submissions for the Live Art Almanac, a biennial international co-publication which draws together a wide range of writing on and around Live Art ranging from more traditional forms such as newspaper, journal and magazine articles, and lectures to blogs, Facebook pages and emails. Editions of the Live Art Almanac have been published in partnership with Oberon Books, Live Art UK, PS 122 (New York, USA), Performance Space (Sydney, Australia), La Pocha Nostra (San Francisco, USA), and Maska (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Get in Touch – LADA is always open to proposals for collaborations on distinctive publications and video content and other publishing ideas. Please contact us on [email protected] if you wish to make a proposal.

We have worked with Common Practice Video Network on this short video to showcase some of the titles we have published in recent years. Below is some more about how we think about our publishing activities and how you can get involved.
Free Publishing
LADA also publishes a range of free documents on key Live Art challenges, issues and practices as PDF downloads.
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LADA publications and much more can be purchased through Unbound, LADA’s online shop for Live Art books, DVDs and limited editions. LADA’s publications are also distributed to bookshops/events through Central Books. Please contact LADA if you wish to discuss our publishing, distribution or ideas for publication events.
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Video Still from LADA Publishing Video made in collaboration with CPVN (2013)
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