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New PhD scholarship on Other Histories of Live Art: Resistant Subjects and Unwritten Acts

Application deadline: 3pm (GMT) 19 November 2018

The University of Roehampton in partnership with LADA invites applications for a PhD scholarship on the theme Other Histories of Live Art: Resistant Subjects and Unwritten Acts, a TECHNE collaborative doctoral award starting in October 2019.

The successful research proposal will draw from, and focus on, processes of recording, documenting, narrating and discoursing on Live Art, with an emphasis on under-represented or marginalised subjects and hitherto unwritten histories. Candidates may seek to uncover, document, write, re-make or create new histories, as well as mount a self-reflexive interrogation of processes of historicisation. Strong proposals in either practice-as-research or theoretical methods will be considered.

The researcher will spend four months a year working at LADA, with desk-space and access to our extensive Study Room research facility. In addition to a full TECHNE scholarship and expenses, LADA will make available resources for project research and development.

The doctoral research will be supervised by LADA’s co-director Lois Keidan, and Professor Adrian Heathfield and Dr Eleanor Roberts of the Department of Drama, Theatre & Performance at Roehampton, where the candidate will be part of a vibrant and culturally engaged research community with a global reputation for innovation in performance and live art work.

For more information about doctoral study at Roehampton click here

In addition to gaining the transferable skills that arise from PhD study, the successful candidate will contribute insights to LADA’s work and public programmes and, as part of their research, will have the opportunity to shape outputs shared by the organisation, which may include workshops, publications, public events or performances. Research training may involve the development of skills in relation to archival, publishing, arts administration and policy approaches, curatorial practice and arts mentoring.

Overseas applicants are not eligible for TECHNE studentships. To be eligible for a full award you must have no restrictions on how long you can stay in the UK and have been ordinarily resident here for 3 years. EU applicants are generally eligible for fees-only awards. Applicants working on or from disabled, LGBTQ, GNC, Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic, diasporic, working class and ‘outsider’ perspectives are welcomed. Candidates will ideally hold a strong MA or MFA in: Art, Theatre or Performance Studies; Visual Cultures or Art History; Anthropology, Curatorial or Cultural Studies. Practice-as-research candidates must have an established autonomous creative practice. Interest and experience in public engagement is preferred.

Application deadline: 3pm (GMT) 19 November 2018.

For further details on this opportunity click here. For more information about the application process and to apply please click here.

Candidates will receive a decision on shortlisting via email on 23rd November. Candidates must be available for interview in person or online in London on the afternoon of 27th November. The successful candidate will be directed to complete a TECHNE application through the Doctoral Training Partnership’s online application system Flexi-Grant in December.

Please contact Professor Adrian Heathfield and Dr Eleanor Roberts with any further enquiries.

The University of Roehampton and Live Art Development Agency are independently committed to promoting diversity and upholding equal opportunities.

Banner image credit:

Alastair MacLennan, Shuttered Anemonies, 1997. © the artist

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