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LADA Festive Fair: Art, gifts, tasty things

Call for proposals to run Festive Fair stalls – extended deadline Monday 27 August


In 2017, the Live Art Development Agency (LADA) moved to its new home at The Garrett Centre in Bethnal Green, a former Unitarian mission that began as a centre for social action in the late 19th century and continues to be a hub for working with local communities by housing arts, ethical and community focused groups. 

The Garrett Centre is LADA’s biggest home to date, offering us more space to host visitors to our Study Room, run free public programmes and events, and develop opportunities to engage with our neighbours and neighbourhoods. 

As part of our new developments we will be holding a Festive Fair in our space at The Garret Centre on Sunday 9 December 2018, Noon to 6pm.  

We are inviting artists, groups and organisations to propose stalls that they would like to run at the Fair.



Stalls will sell (or give away/promote) items with a focus on –

  • affordable ‘artworks’ by artists, especially related to Live Art, and especially local artists
  • materials produced by, or promoting initiatives by, local community, social action, and/or activist organisations
  • individuals and groups selling materials produced by or promoting initiatives around ideas of neighbours/neighbourhoods, including local food stuffs and other tasty things

There are no costs for running a stall and all proceeds will be kept by stallholders. However, we do encourage stall holders to make a donation from any proceeds towards a chosen cause, if appropriate.

LADA will provide the stall tables (each stall will work within the dimensions of either 120cm x 60cm OR 240 cm x 120 cm but can do what they like within their space).

There will be 15 stalls in total. 10 by invitation and 5 invited from an open call for proposals.

Stallholders will be responsible for setting up, staffing and managing all sales for their stalls.

The Fair will run from noon to 6pm on the 9 December. Stallholders will be able to set up from 10am

If you are interested in you or your organisation running a stall at LADA’s Festive Fair please complete this simple application form by Monday 27 August.

We will let you know if we are able to offer you a stall by Friday 7 September.


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